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Nintendo Power Magazine Scan

Issue: 194

Page: 28

(Click image for full-sized picture. Be warned! It's BIG!)


Center: "Chew On This: Before Nintendogs causes Nintendo DS dog owners to puddle this summer, we wanted to get you thinking about its influences."

Top Left: "The Family Tree: Tracing the Lineage of Games."

Top Left: Seaman | Hey You, Pikachu! | "Voice Recognition: Everybody talks nowadays, but who's really listening? A fish with a human face, that's who!"

Top Right: Gerbil | Pet Rock | Robot Dog | "Unusual Pets: Wackiness prevails when owners pick their pets. We say, if you make a connection, go for it."

Bottom Left: Dogs Playing Poker | Anubis | "Art History: From priceless works to velvet paintings, dogs make great art subjects. It could be 'cause they work for kibble."

Bottom Right: Jet Force Gemini's Floyd | Star Fox's General Pepper | "Nintendo Dogs: And we're not even counting doglike dino Yoshi."


Page: 50

Text: "Nintendogs: Even the hardened game journalists at Nintendo's pre-E3 media briefing melted in awe at the sight of Nintendogs' digital puppies and G4's Tina Wood when the TV host took her pug Mia through the paces of touch- and voice-controlled command. Shigeru Miyamoto even got in on the act with a Mario-hat-sporting shiba. The pair exchanged stories of canine ownership while their puppies nuzzled.

In NP's interview with Hideki Konno, the producer explained that the game is about 'establishing communication with your puppy, teaching it to do things, training it and just enjoying the experience.'

Already a huge hit in Japan, Nintendogs is set to reach North America in August with a selection of breeds tailored to the western audience. Konno said that the breeds vary in personality, as do the individual dogs in each category. Players select dogs, from three in each breed, to match their own personalities."

Picture Text: "Tina Wood and Shigeru Miyamoto interface while their Nintendogs do the same."