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I'm so proud of ,,,


This page is dedicated to
some wonderful people who have presented these
lovely awards for my web sites

I am honored and delighted
to have received them

Each one has a special place in my heart

Just click on the award and
visit the sites of these remarkable individuals

~Thank you all for sharing yourselves with me.


Thank you for this
lovely Award Peggy,
I was thrilled to receive it
You have a heart of Gold
Please Visit Peggy


Click on the award

To visit Peggy


Thank you Roy for this Beautiful Award

[Mr Moms]

Thank you Shanni for Your kind words and these 2 beautiful Awards



Please visit Shanni



Thank you Lacy I display this award proudly
You are an inspiration to so many of us

Please Visit Lacy

Thank you Kaye
This award is very special to me
I cherish it with my heart

[Kays Home]

Please visit Kay
a Courageous and inspirational page


Claudette, I was ecstatic
with these awards received from you,
I thank you from my heart



Please Visit Claudette
striving for Peace and Harmony
in our Great World


Thank you everyone at Laughin

Please visit  The Laughin

lots of laughter, great poetry,
sound files,
and helpful computer tips


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