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[Hearts]Hopes and Dreams [Hearts]
the Future
Correy R. Sharp


I hope for the children of the future
that there will be no more killing and stealing,
and those who are poor will be able to have money.

I hope that in the future more people
will stay in school and learn
to help to make a better world and
future for their children

I hope that the scientists can find
more things to explore and that they can
find a cure for AIDS and for Cancer

I hope that the homeless and very sick
will be cared for by those with more money,
and that there will be more
love in the world.

I hope that the wars will stop and
that there will be peace between countries
I hope that more people will
open up their hearts to hear what
other people are saying. I hope that the people with the
wizard hats (Klu Klux Klan) will be able to help
the black people and quit saying
that they hate them



I dream of gorillas and hippos,
of candy and ice cream too.
I dream of hugs and kisses
and me and you.

I dream of peace in the schools,
and friendship among all.

I dream of my Grandma's and Grandpa's
and Great-Granny too.
I dream of Mommy and Daddy
and Brandon with love.

I dream of God the Father,
and Heaven above.

I dream this for me.

I dream this for you.

Poems written by Correy Sharp(age 7)
may not be reproduced without
permission of the Author

Email: Correy

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