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Well, hello. If you're at this page, I'm assuming that you're about to send me an email, which is great. I love reading people's email, especially about my webpages or stories. Honestly, I love hearing the feedback of the readers and I really want to thank everyone who's taken the time to read what I've written. I just have a few simple guidelines that I ask you to read over so that I fully understand and am able to respond to your email.

1. If you're going to email me about a club or a story I've written, please specify which club or story you're writing about. I get a lot of email saying "Hey I'd like to join your club." I run about five or six clubs, so if you say "that" club, I'm not sure which one you're talking about. The same goes for stories or poems. Please specify.

2. Please make the title of your email related to what you're emailing me about. If the title is "webpage" or "(no subject)" I'm more than likely going to delete it. I get a lot of junk mail and my mailbox recieves about 200 pieces of mail a day. So I delete what doesn't look important. If I recieve an email with the title "Enter The Nightworld-A comment on your webpage" or "Staria's Story-A question" I will definately read it and respond.

3. Please don't ask me if I'm crazy because you don't agree with something I've written. I've only had this happen once to me (other than that, every email I've recieved reguarding webpages, stories, etc have been nice and respectful) But the one time this did happen, the person who called me crazy and told me to get professional help recieved an email back asking her if she wasn't sure that *she* was the one in need of professional help. So please, if you disagree with something I've written, I have no problem with you challenging me on it. But there's no need for personal attacks. I also have no problem with constructive criticism, but I'm not going to take kindly to anyone who emails me telling me that "so and so sucks yadda yadda."

4. If you don't get a reply right away, please don't think that I'm ignoring you. Most likely, I received your email when I was receiving a bunch of other email. I will get back to you, just give me a few days.

I'm in college now, and I have a bunch of new emails, so emails shouldn't be sent to my old email: I only get to check that name once in a blue moon, so anything sent there probably isn't going to be responded to very quickly. Here are my new email adresses: is where you can get to me pretty much immediately. I'm on this name just about everyday so if you want to chat and you have AIM or AOL feel free to IM me.

Thanks for taking the time to read this. Hope to hear from you soon!
Melissa Rose (*