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The Rihannsu government is an authoritarian system of checks and balances designed to prevent any one group or individual from monopolizing power for too long a period. Devised in the period following the overthrow of T'Rehu, the Ruling Queen, the Rihannsu system is tricameral in nature.
The Rihannsu Senate, or Deihu'hrrau, is the legislative body responsible for the proposal and passing of legislation. The Senate is divided into two halves: the Lower Senate to propose and pass legislation, and the Upper Senate strictly to veto legislation. This structure provides a certain amount of governmental inertia, which prevents the passing of large amounts of revolutionary legislation and promotes stability.
The Praetorate, comprised of both the military High Command members and civilian legion heads, is the executive branch and judicial branch, charged with implementing and enforcing the laws passed by the Senate. At times, the Praetorate may also propose legislation for the Senate to consider. The Praetorate has a final veto on all military decisions passed by the Senate. The Fvillha, or Head Praetor, is the highest ranking member of the Empire, and has veto power over all decisions, in effect acting as a separate branch of government.
Positions in the Senate, Praetorships, are hereditary. However, constituents can exercise a form of recall on their representatives. If a Senator or Praetor sufficiently displeases those that s/he is supposed to represent, the constituents may finally send the representative a sword, with which to commit honorable suicide. Most recipients of such a recall choose to acquiesce, rather than be brought down by a far less honorable assassination.
1. The Praetorate is made up of the military High Command and all legion heads. The High Command is comprised of all officers ranking higher than Riov, and legion heads are those who lead specific organizations. Ex. Head of Diplomacy, Commandant of Academy.
2. The Senate as a whole is composed of representatives of the official Houses of the Empire. Each House receives one representative for every five House members. Members of the Upper House are chosen from the Senate as a whole by the Fvillha.
3. Each branch of the Senate elects a hru'Deihu'hrrai, or Head Senator, to schedule, organize and chair meetings.
4. No one person may sit in more than one branch of the Rihannsu government.


1. Any member of the Senate or Praetorate may propose a bill, which must be posted in a public place, and forwarded to the Head Senator of the Lower Senate for initial passage.The Head Senator will place the bill on he agenda of the next sitting of the Lower Senate.
2. The Lower Senate then debates and either passes or defeats the bill. If it passes, the bill is forwarded to the Head Senator of the Upper Senate, and notice of First Passage is posted. The Head Senator of the Upper Senate then places the bill on the agenda of the next sitting of the Upper House.
3. The Upper House then debates and either passes or defeats the bill. If it passes, the bill is forwarded to the Fvillha, who either vetoes it immediately or places it on the agenda of the next meeting of the Praetorate and posts notice of Second Passage.
4. The Praetorate then debates and either passes or defeats the bill. If it passes, the bill is forwarded to the Fvillha, who either proclaims the bill as law, or vetoes it. If proclaimed, the bill is placed on Statute.
5. If a bill is defeated by the Upper Senate, or Praetorate, the bill is sent back to Lower Senate, which may either amend it and pass it again, or discard it.

A normal citizen of the Empire can get involved in the government of the Empire by:
1. Suggesting ideas to your House representatives in government.Your representatives are there for a reason, so give them your ideas.
2. Becoming a Senate member yourself. Your House may want you to become a Senator, and it's an opportunity to get plugged into the system.

The Rihannsu judiciary is based on the principal assumption that the accused is guilty until proven otherwise.
Rihannsu court cases are judged by a tribunal. Three judges, two chosen from the Senate, and the chief judge from the Praetorate, decide all cases. The defendant may represent him/herself, or choose the option of having a separate legal representative.
The following is the procedure followed after the commission of a crime:

1. Victim may either contact the authorities, or apprehend the suspect on his/her own.
2. Any and all necessary actions may be taken in the apprehension of the suspect, including the use of deadly force.
If a suspect is killed and later determined to be innocent, the perpetrator shall be put to death.
3. Upon apprehension or death of the suspect, a notice of apprehension and trial date must be immediately posted. All trial dates must be within 1 week of apprehension, for late justice is no justice.
4. Apprehended suspects must make a full and complete confession of the truth of the situation. There is no right to council.
5. At the trial, the suspect and the plaintiff, or their chosen representatives, confront each other and detail their respective cases to the tribunal. The suspect is under the onus to prove his/her innocence.
6. The tribunal delivers its decision and sentences the suspect if guilty. If the suspect is innocent, the plaintiff is subject to penalty.
7. Punishment is administered within 1 week of decision. There is no right of appeal.


As the basic treatise of Rihannsu law, let it be proclaimed that all citizens are created equal in honorable potential. All retain the basic freedom to treat and be treated according to their relative merit.
The Rihannsu Empire grants its citizens the following basic honorable freedoms:

The Rihannsu Empire strictly prohibits from its citizens the following actions: