Timeline of Romulan History
This chronology is a first attempt at writing a document which accurately
dates various important events in Romulan history, by drawing on canon
sources. The reader will note numerous areas in which the dates provided
are not well defined, particularly the date of Planetfall, from which many
other dates are measured in the Romulan dating system. Any additional information
gleaned from the sources cited, or from the television broadcasts and movies,
which sheds light on the hazy portions of this document would be greatly
appreciated. Please send your submissions to Jo.
68 BC
Surak born on Vulcan as the light from the sigma-1014 Orionis nova reaches
Vulcan. 1
23 BC
Vulcan receives first radio signals from Orion pirates arriving in their
system. 2
22 BC, January 18-19
First meeting with the Orion pirates. Orion ship lands, stuns and kidnaps
most of the official Vulcan delegation, murders the rest. Surak is not
present due to travel difficulties. S'Task is captured. The `Ahkh' begins.
22 BC, March
End of the `Ahkh'. Vulcans drive off the Orions using a combination of
traditional warfare and psi weapons. 4
22 BC, November
Cloaked Orion spy ship destroyed. Hulk left in desert outside Te'Rikh as
a monument. 5
23 BC
Riots on Vulcan as militaristic Vulcans in favour of arming to meet the
interstellar threat clash with the more numerous pacifists supporting Surak.
7 BC
The number of the `Declared', Vulcans pledged to follow S'Task on the Journey,
reaches 12000. S'Task first suggests that those who wish to go on the Journey
should donate all their possesions to the cause. 7
11 AD
The number of the `Declared' reaches almost five percent of Vulcan's population.
Ultimately, the limited number of ships, and the waning of early excitement
about the project will substantially reduce the number of Vulcans who leave
on the Journey. 8
25 AD
Rea's Helm leaves orbit and begins a three month tour of the solar
system before accellerating out into interstellar space. Shortly followed
by Warbird, Starcatcher, T'Hie, Pennon, Bloodwing,
Corona, Lance, Gorget, Sunheart, Forge,
Lost Road, Blacklight, Firestorm, Vengeance,
Memory, and Shield. 9
55 AD
The fartravel ships arrive at the first star on their tour, 88 Eri. No
habitable planets are found, and after reconoitering the system the ships
continue on towards 198 Eri. 10
Seven ships -- Pennon, Starcatcher, Bloodwing, Forge,
Lost Road, Lance, and Blacklight -- are caught in
the event horizon of a newly formed blackhole nearby 198 Eri. All seven
ships are lost. 11
The remaining fartravel ships reach 198 Eri. Demoralized after the blackhole
disaster, they spend 3.5 years in orbit, storing up energy and debating
the future of the Journey. S'Task prevails in the debate and the ships
continue on to 4408A/B Trianguli. 12
Two ships -- T'Hie and Corona -- lost to the mind destroying
race called the `Iruhe' at 4408B Trianguli. The remainder of the fleet
flees 4408A/B at high speed. Firestorm and Vengeance become
separated from the rest of the ships and wander for several years before
rejoining the fleet. 13
Warbird suffers a drive failure and falls into 114 Trianguli while
attempting a slingshot maneuver. 14
Shield is lost or destroyed. 14
Memory suffers a drive failure and falls into a black dwarf while
attempting a slingshot maneuver. 14
Sunheart abandoned after disease kills most of the crew. 15
~533 AD
The four remaining ships -- Rea's Helm, Gorget, Vengeance
and Firestorm -- arrive in the 128 Trianguli system and find two
habitable worlds. 16
~534 AD, 0 AS (After Settlement)
The two worlds are named `ch'Rihan' and `ch'Havran' and the first Travellers
begin to disembark from the fartravel ships to colonize the two worlds.
~537 AD, 3 AS
The last of the Travellers disembark from the ships, leaving only the Ship
Clans. 18
~594 AD, 60 AS
Under the rule of Councillor T'Rehu, the nation of Elheu raises a standing
army and begins threatening its neighbors. Between 60 AS and 72 AS, T'Rehu
invades several smaller neighboring nations. 19
~606 AD, 72 AS
T'Rehu receives the Grand Councillorship after intimidating the Grand Council
with the possible use of her armies, and her alliances with the technologically
advanced Ship Clans. S'Task walks out on her, and she swears he will never
do so again. 20
~612 AD, 78 AS
Famine strikes the South Continent of ch'Havran and 1500 die. T'Rehu has
S'Task (aged 248) murdered in the High Council when he attempts to walk
out. She declares the beginning of the `rule of women' and takes the title
of `Ruling Queen'. 21
~630 AD, 96 AS
A faction from the Eastern continent overthrows T'Rehu and sets up the
Tricameral system of government. 22
~784 AD, 250 AS
By this time, the technology in the four remaining Ships has substantially
degraded and fallen into disrespair. The Ship Clans have dwindled, and
the Romulans now lack an interstellar travel capacity. 23
~835 AD, 300 AS
Over the years 300 AS to 400 AS, the orbits of the Ships decay and they
all fall from the sky. 23
~1043 AD, 508 AS
The Romulan government completes a small satelite warning and defense system.
~2034 AD, ~1499 AS
The Romulans develop the technology of artificial gravity. 25
2134 AD, ~1599 AS
The USS Carrizal enters the Romulan star system, evades the satellite
warning system, and beams radio first contact messages to the two inhabited
planets. The Romulans do not answer them, and the Carrizal leaves
after completing its studies. 26
2137 AD, ~1602 AS
The USS Balboa enters the Romulan star system and is destroyed by
the massed particle beams of fifty newly built Romulan ships. The USS
Stone Mountain is captured while answering the Balboa's distress
call and dissected to acquire warp drive technology. 27
2162 AD, ~1627 AS
After a bad defeat at the Battle of Cheron discourages the Romulans, and
the Vulcans pursuade the Federation, the two sides negotiate the Treaty
of Alpha Trianguli via subspace data upload. The Treaty establishes the
Neutral Zone as a one light year buffer between Federation and Romulan
space. 28
The Romulan Way - Page 40. The date of first physical
contact with the Orions is given as 22 BC. Page 39. First contact is described
as being "forty-five years [after]" the birth of Surak.
The Romulan Way - Pages 39 and 40. Radio contact
is described. Vulcans debated the issues for "several months" prior to
physical meeting. Hence the date of first radio contact has been set approximately
one year previous to the established date of first physical contact.
The Romulan Way - Page 40. Explicit terran date
given. Vulcan year 139954.
The Romulan Way - Page 41. War is described as
a relatively brief conflict. S'Task spends "several weeks" in orbit after
destroying Orion mothership.
The Romulan Way - Page 42. Orion ship is brought
down at the end of the same year as the "Ahkh". Further evidence of the
shortness of the actual conflict.
The Romulan Way - Page 42. Riots late in Vulcan
year 139955, one year after the "Ahkh".
The Romulan Way - Page 73. Vulcan date given as
139970. Terran date derived using a ratio of 11/12 terran years to every
vulcan year, as described in Spock's World.
The Romulan Way - Page 74. Vulcan date given as
the late 139980's. See 7.
The Romulan Way - Page 43. Vulcan date given as
140005. See 7. Duane gives the names of 17 fartravel
ships, but on page 103 describes the loss of "seven of eighteen" ships
in the black hole disaster. We will infer that only 17 ships left Vulcan
and page 103 is an error.
The Romulan Way - Page 102. While the travellers
felt only a few years of time due to relativisitic effects, to the rest
of the universe their tour of the 88 Eri system took thirty years.
The Romulan Way - Pages 103 and 104.
The Romulan Way - Pages 104 and 105.
The Romulan Way - Pages 105-107.
The Romulan Way - Page 108. Note that at this
point the loss of Shield has not been accounted for. No reference
is made to it after the initial listing of ships leaving Vulcan, but it
is not included in the list of surviving ships on page 108, so it must
have been lost before then.
The Romulan Way - Five ships are cited here on
page 108: Rea's Helm, Gorget, Sunheart, Vengeance
and Firestorm. Rea's Helm completed the journey, since it
was carrying S'Task. Gorget and Vengeance are mentioned on
page 141 as having carried settlers who arrived on the South Continent
of ch'Havran. That leaves either Sunheart or Firestorm as
the ship which was lost during the last legs of the Journey. Firestorm
was arbitrarily chosen as the ship which survived, and the disease references
of pages 108 and 109 were chosen to explain the loss of Sunheart.
The Romulan Way - Page 192. The time between first
contact and settlement is cited at "sixteen hundred years". First contact
can be dated at 2134, using The Romulan Way and a reference from
the TOS episide Balance of Terror. 26
The Romulan Way - Page 112.
The Romulan Way - Page 115. It took "some three
years" for the whole population to disembark.
The Romulan Way - Pages 136 and 137. The rise
of T'Rehu in her nation would have taken place somewhat earlier, after
she succeeded her father.
The Romulan Way - Pages 139 and 140.
The Romulan Way - Page 142.
The Romulan Way - Page 143. Refers to T'Rehu's
reign as one of "eighteen years".
The Romulan Way - Page 165.
The Romulan Way - Page 166.
The Romulan Way - Page 193. Refers to artificial
gravity being mastered "a century or so earlier" than the date of first
contact with humans.
The Romulan Way - Page 191. The date of first
contact is derived from the date of the end of the first Romulan / Earth
War, which is set at approximately 2162 in a reference from the TOS episode
Balance of Terror. Page 194 shows the length of the war to be 25
years. Page 193 gives the time between first contact and the start of the
war with the destruction of the USS Balboa to be 3 years. Subtracting
28 from 2162 gives us the first contact date of 2134.
The Romulan Way - Page 193.
The Romulan Way - Page 195. The date of the end
of the war is derived from the TOS episide Balance of Terror, in
which the date is known to be 2260 and the end of the war is referred to
as "a century" ago.
Research Sources
The Romulan Way, Diane Duane and Peter Morwood. Pocket Books: New
York, 1987.
Spock's World, Diane Duane. Pocket Books: New York,
My Enemy, My Ally, Diane Duane. Pocket Books: New York, 1984.
Star Trek Chronology, James Dixon. http://cruciform.cid.com/~werdna/sttng/trek6.html,
Time line was written by Jo, / joachim@tos.net
/ Copyright © 1995, TOS Enterprises, all rights reserved.