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Gods and Goddesses From Around the World

There are many traditions of Wicca and many eclectic witches, such as myself, who choose to worship many gods and goddesses from the traditions. Using the work of Gerina Dunwich and my own books checked out from various libraries, I have compiled these Gods and Goddesses.
This is just a brief overview.

Greek and Roman

Aphrodite (Venus) - Goddess of love and beauty. She is also known as Cytherea. Her sacred candle colors are red and pink.

Apollo - God of the sun and fertility; prophecy and oracles; also associated with light, healing, music, and poetry. Son of Zeus, twin brother of the Moon-Goddess Artemis, His sacred candle colors are gold and white.

Artemis - goddess of the moon, hunting, and wild beasts. As lunar goddess, she has been an influential archetype for witches. She is identified with Luna, Hecate, and Selene as well as Diana. Her sacred candle colors are silver and white.

Astraea - Goddess of innocence and purity, and daughter of Themis, the goddess of justice. It is said that after leaving Earth, she was placed among the stars where she became the constellation Virgo the Virgin. Her sacred candle color is white.

Athena (Minerva) - Goddess of wisdom and the fine arts. Her sacred candle colors are purple and white.

Bacchus (Dionysus) - God of wine and gaiety. Son of the deities Zeus and Semele, and the consort of Ariadne. His sacred candle colors are red and purple.

Ceres (Demeter) - Goddess of the harvest, agriculture and mother of Persephone (Prosperina). Her sacred candle colors are green, orange, brown, and yellow. She is the deity in the mysteries of Eleusis.

Chloris (Flora) - Goddess of flowers. Her sacred candle colors are white and any floral color.

Dew - fertility goddess. Her sacred candle color is green.

Diana - Mother Goddess and virgin huntress of the moon. Worshipped mainly by Wiccans of the Dianic tradition. (Old Dianic or Feminist Dianic) Her sacred candle colors are silver and white.

Eros (Cupid) - God of love and sexual intercourse, son of Zeus and Aphrodite, personification of passion. His sacred candle color is red.

Faunus (not Pan) - God of the woodlands, fields, and shepherds. Depicted as half-goat and half human. His sacred candle color is green.

Fortuna (Tyche) - Goddess of happiness, good fortune, and chance. She has the power to bestow wealth or poverty. Her sacred candle colors are green, gold, and silver.

Hades (Pluto, also known as Aidoneus) - God of the underworld, ruler of the dead and brother of Zeus. His sacred candle color is black.

Hecate (associated with Diana and Persephone) - Goddess of the waning moon, neo-pagan goddess of fertility and moon magick, Queen of the underworld, and protectress of all witches. Her sacred candle colors are black and silver.

Hera - Goddess of death and re-birth. Earth-Goddess and consort of Zeus. Her sacred candle colors are black and dark brown.

Hestia - Hearth-Goddess. Her sacred candle color is red.

Janus - God of gates and doorways and a deity associated with journeys and the beginnings of things. He is depicted as having two faces, each looking in opposite directions. His festival month is January and his sacred candle color is white.

Lunica - Goddess of childbirth and attendant-Goddess to Diana, also to the moon. Her sacred candle colors are silver and white.

Luna - Goddess of the moon; her name is Latin for Moon. Identified with Selene and Artemis. Her sacred candle colors are white and silver.

Lupercus (Pan) - God of fertility and all things natural. His festival is celebrated as Lupercalia on February 15th. His sacred candle color is the green of living plants.

Nemesis - Goddess of anger and vengeance; daughter of Erebus and Nyx. Her sacred candle color is red.

Neptune (Poseidon) - God of the sea, brother of Zeus. His sacred candle color is light blue.

Nyx (Nox) - Goddess of the night and sister as well as consort to Erebus, lord of darkness. Her sacred candle color is black.

Pan - Horned God of the woodlands, fields, shepherds, and fertility. He is depicted as a bearded man with the legs, horns, and ears of a goat. He is often associated with the cult of Dionysus. His sacred candle color is green.

Persephone (Prosperina) - Goddess known as Quees of the Underworld. Her sacred candle color is black.

Pomona - Goddess of fruits and fertility. Consort of Vertumnus, her festival of Pomonalia is celebrated on te 1st of November to mark the end of the harvest time. Her sacred candle color is green.

Saturn (Cronus) - God of agriculture and harvest, whose festival, Saturnalia, is held in mid-December. His sacred candle color is orange.

Selene - Goddes of the waxing moon. Her sacred candle colors are silver and white.

Sylvanus - God of the forests, fields and herding. He is depicted as a bearded satyr. His sacred candle color is dark green.

Thanatos (Mors) - God of death. His sacred candle color is black.

Uranus (Ouranos) - God knows as Father Sky. Consort of Gaea. He personified the heavens. His sacred candle color is sky-blue.

Venus (Aphrodite) - Goddess of love and beauty. She personified sexuality, fertility, prosperite, and good fortune. Her sacred candle color is pink.

Vesta - Hearth-Goddess whose temple was lit by a sacred fire tended by 6 virgin priestesses known as the Vestal Virgins. Her sacred candle color is red.

Zeus (Jupiter) - Most powerful God, ruler of heaven and Earth, son of Cronus and Rhea. Also known as Cloud-Gatherer, Lord of Thunderbolts, and Master of Shape-Shifting. The oak was his sacred tree; the eagle his sacred bird; and gold his sacred candle color.


Anu - Mother-Goddess, Dawn Mother, Goddess of death and the dead. Her sacred candle colors are white and black.

Aodh - Fire-Goddess. Her sacred candle color is red.

Brigit - Goddess of fire, wisdom, poetry, and sacred wells. She is a deity associated with prophecy, divination, and healing. Her sacred candle colors are red and white.

Ce-Aehd - Goddess of nature. Her sacred candle color is green.

Cernunnos - horned nature-God of wild animals, hunting, and fertility. Consort of the Great Mother. Worshipped mainly by Wiccans of the Gardnerian tradition. His sacred candle color is dark green.

Cerridwen - Goddess of mountains, fertility, and inspiration. Her sacred candle color is green.

Daghda - Lord of Great Knowledge, God of fertility and the Earth. His sacred candle colors are green and brown.

Eostre - Goddess of fertility and springtime, for whom the holiday of Easter is named. Her sacred candle colors is pastel green.

Epona - Mare-Goddess whose sacred candle color is white.

Lugh - Sun-God worshipped by Druids as the Bountiful giver of Harvest. The Sabbat festival of Lughnasadh was originated by the Druids to pay homage to him. His sacred candle colors are yellow, gold, and bronze.

Morrigan - War-Goddess of death and destruction, and mother of all Irish Gods. As Trinity she is called Macha when she worked magick with the blood of the slain; Badb when she appeared in the form of a giantess to men before battle; and Neman when she appeared as a shape-shifting crone. Her sacred candle colors are scarlet and black.

Rhiannon - Mother-Goddess, originally called Rigatona. She is identified with Epona. Her sacred color is white.


Aditi - Sky Goddess whose sacred candle color is blue.

Adni - God who takes 3 forms: sun, lightning, and fire. His sacred candle color is red.

Durva (Durga) - Goddess and consort of Shiva, worshipped especially in Bengal. Depicted as a ferocious 10-armed dragon slayer, though it is said she is loving and gentle to those who truly worship her. Her sacred candle color is red.

Dyaus - Sky God, consort of the Earth-Goddess Prithivi; father of Indra. His sacred candle color is blue.

Kali (Kali-Ma) - Death-Goddess personifying the dark and terrifying forces of nature. She is depicted as a fanged, dark-skinned warrioress wearing a necklace of human skulls. Her sacred candle color is black.

Parvati - Goddess of mountains and consort of Shiva. She is knows as the ruler of the elves and nature spirits, the daughter of the Himalayas and the personification of cosmic energy. Her sacred candle colors are white and brown.

The Trimurti - Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva. The "Moon Mother." The candle colors used to pay tribute to this triumvirate varies throughout the year, month, and week.

Central/Southern American

Centeotle - Fertility Goddess. Her sacred candle color is green.

Esmeralda - Goddess of love. Her sacred candle color is, of course, emerald green.

Exo - God of Magick. His sacred candle colors are white and black.

Kilya - Moon-Goddess. Her sacred candle colors are silver and white.

Quetzalcoatl - God of fertility, wind, and wisdom. He is depicited as a feathered serpent; he personified the morning star. His sacred candle colors are brown and green.

Tlazolteotl - Earth-Goddess assocated with fertility and love. Mother of all Gods. Her sacred candle colors are brown and green.

Xochiquetzal - Goddess of flowers. Her sacred candle colors are white and all floral colors.

Xolotl - God of magicians. Quetzalcoatl's twin brother. He personified the planet Venus and the Evening Star. His sacred candle color is black.


Chernobog - God of storms and war, also known as Thunderer, and The Hurler of Lightning Bolts. His sacred candle color is red.

Dazhbog - Sun-God; consort and brother of Zhiva. His sacred candle colors are yellow, gold, and orange-red.

Kupala - Goddess of life, sex, and vitality. Worshipped on Midsummer's Day. Her sacred candle color is red.

Svarog - God of fire and metalurgy whose symbol is the silver hammer and tongs. He is the consort of the Great Mother and his sacred candle colors are red and silver.

Yarilo - Fertility God and cosort of the Moon-Goddess Marina. His sacred candle color is green.


Amaterasu-O-Mi-Kami - Japanese Sun Goddess. Her sacred candle colors are yellow and gold.

Benten - Japanese Buddhist Love-Goddess. She is also the goddess of femininity, music, literature, and the sea. Her sacred candle color is pink.

Chu-Jung - Chinese God of fire. His sacred candle color is red.

Kuan-Yin - Chinese goddess of fertility, childbirth, and compassion. Her sacred candle color is green.


