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Herbs and Their Uses

Adder's tongue - stomach ulcers and tumors
Agrimony - jaundice and liver diseases
Alder - diarrhea, inflammations, sore throat
All-Heal - external wounds
Aloe Vera - burns and external wounds
Angelica - drug abuse, delayed menstruation, and toothache pain
Anise - bronchial asthma, bronchitis
Blessed Thistle - colds
Bloodroot - ringworms
Catnip - anxiety, fever, menstrual cramps
Chamomile - colic, fever, inflammations, nervous conditions, menstrual cramps
Chickweed - inflammations
Cinnamon - flu
Coltsfoot - bronchial asthma, bronchitis, coughs, chest complaints
Comfrey - dysentery, external wounds
Coriander - fever
Costmary - infections
Crimson Clover - cancers
Daisy - bronchial asthma
Dandelion - gall stones, ailments of the pancreas, spleen, ovaries, or uterus
Dogwood - fevers and infections
Elderflowers - colds, fever, hemorrhoids, and impotency
Elecampane - coughs, irregular menstruation
Eyebright - eye ailments
Fennel - anxiety and constipation
Garlic - arthritis, infections, and rheumatism
Ginger - fever, impotency, and muscle cramps
Ginseng - impotency and all sexually related ailments
Goldenrod - bladder infections, inflammations, and insomnia
Goldenseal - eczema, eye ailments, internal infections, poison ive, and rectal ulcers
Hawthorn - arteriosclerosis, edema, heart ailments, and weak muscles
Horehound - colds and coughs
Horseheal - fever
Horseradish Root - bronchitis, colds, kidney conditions, and rheumatism
Irish Moss - burns and coughs
Jacob's Ladder - fever
Jasmine - impotency
Jimsonweed - poison ivy rash
Juniper - neuralgic pains, rheumatism, and swellings
Lady's Mantle - fever, headaches, inflammations, insomnia, menopause
Lavender - depression, fatigue, headache, impotency, rheumatism, and sprains
Liferoot - menopause and menstrual problems
Mallow - tonsilitis
Mandrake Root - impotency and infertility
Milkweed - warts
Motherwort - all female problems
Mugwort - fever and poison ivy
Mullein Leaves - bronchial asthma
Myrrh - gum irritations and pain
Nettle - muscle aches, stomach ulcers, diseases of the lungs and intestines
Passionflower - insomnia
Pennyroyal - fever and muscle cramps
Peppermint - headaches and cramps
Rose - kidney stones
Rosemary - colds, colic, depression, fatigue, headaches, high blood pressure, heart conditions, paralysis, vertigo, weakness of the limbs, and rheumatism
Saffron - depression and fever
Sage - colds, coughs, depression, fever, fly, insomnia, pleurisy, sprains, and varicose veins
Scabwort Root - fever and infections
Serpenteria Root - impotency and snake bite
Shepherd's Purse - bruises, skin irritations, and rheumatism
Solomon's Seal - Bruises and skin wounds
St. John's Wort - depression
Strawberry Leaves and Flowers - gout
Thyme - fever, headaches and whooping cough
Valerian - anxiety, stress and swollen joints
Verbain - fever
Violet - infections
Willow Bark - headaches
Witch Hazel - anxiety, excema, inflammations, tumors, and swellings
Wormwood - colds and fever
Yarrow - canchre sores, colds, fever, liver diseases, and muscle aches

Herbs and Magickal Intentions

Beauty - avocado, catnip, ginseng, maidenhair

Catalysts - dragon's blood, mandrake, mistletoe

Courage - borage, mullein, ragweed, rose, sweetpea, tea, thyme, yarrow

Divination - black willow, broom, cherry, clove, dandelion, hibiscus, ivy, meadowsweet, orris

Dreams - anise, cinnamon, holly, marigold, yarrow

Employment - devil's shoestring, lucky hand, pecan

Faeries (to summon) - daisy, foxglove, ragweed, shamrock, wood sorrel

Fertility - daffordil, ginseng, grape, hazel, mandrake, mistletoe, mugwort, nuts, oak, poppy, rice, sunflower, wheat

Friendship - lemon, love seed, sweetpea

Good Luck - allspice, aloe, bluebell, clover, fern, goldenrod, heather, irish moss, job's tears, nutmeg, rose, sandalwood, strawberry, violet

Happiness - catnip cyclamen, hawthorn, hyacinth, lavender, marjoram, saffron, witch grass

Healing - allspice, apple, bay, bittersweet, carnation, cedar, cinnamon, fennel, gardenia, garlic, ginseng, hops, ivy, mint, mugwort, myrrh, oak, pine, potato, rose, sandalwood, thistle, thyme, willow

Health - ash, caraway, corriander, ginseng, juniper, nutmeg

Legal Matters - buckthorn, hickory, marigold

Mental Powers - caraway, grape, rosemary, walnut

Money - almond, blackberry, cedar, chamomile, clove, dill, fern, goldenrod, honey suckle, jamsine, mint, moss, patchouly, pine, rice, snapdragon, tea, vervain, wheat

Peace - gardenia, lavender, meadowsweet, pennyroyal

Prosperity - almond, ash, banana, nuts, tulip

Protection - acacia, aloe, angelica, anise, basil , blackberry, blueberry, caraway, carnation, cinquefoil, clover, cotton, dill, eucaluptus, fennel, grass, hazel, holly, ivy, lilac, mulberry, oak, pine, primrose, raspberry, rice, spanish moss, violet, willow

Psychic Ability - bay, cinnamon, marigold, thyme, yarrow

Purification - bay, broom, cedar, iris, parsley, sage, vervain

Sleep - hops, lavender, peppmerint, rosemary, thyme, vervain

Spirituality - cinnamon, frankincense, heather

Strength - carnation, mugwort, mulberry, thistle

Success - cinnamon, clover, patchouly, sandalwood, vanilla

Wisdom - bodhi, sage, sunflower

Wishes - bamboo, beech, dandelion, dogwood, sage, sandalwood, sunflower, violet


