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Leo Quiz

1. Leos favorite color is....

a. Black b. Dark Green c. Blue

2. Leo has a pet....

a. frog b. snake c. lizzard

3. Its name is.....

a. Snowy b. Blizzard c. Rose

4. Leo has a.....

a. BMW b. Jeep c. Jaguar

5. He is ___ years old....

a. 21 b.23 c. 20

6. He got how big of a paycheck for Titanic?

a. 2.5 mil. b. 2 mil. c. 3 mil.

7. What movie was he in at age 17?

a. This Boys Life b. Critters 3 c. Romeo and Julitte

8. His middle name is....

a. Henry b. Gregory c. Wilhelm


1 = b 2 = c 3 = b 4 = a 5 = b 6 = a 7 = a 8 = c

Give your self one piont for every answer and find out how you rate: 5 or 6 correct- LEOLUVER 3 or 4 correct- You know Leo...a little 1 or 2 correct- read some more honey