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I am sorry, but I have quit making animatios due to an overwhlming response. I am sorry for the inconvience. I make them with Paint Shop Pro, so if you want to make one-try it. You can take the image below if you tell me with the form. I will give you an award if you write me an e mail with your URL and it has this image on it! Thanks! Sorry

Your name:
Your email address: (e.g.:

What color do you want the letters to be?

What color background do you want it to be?

What Font do you want, and letter size do you want it to be?

Have you signed my guestbook yet?   Yes!   Not Yet, but I will!   Nope!

What do you want your animation to say? if you want more than one phrase, number them. Example:
1.Jack and Rose
2.Together Forever

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