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Win my award!

I now have a award for you to win!


1. No Pornography

2. Has to do with Titanic (If it doesn't have to do with Titanic, just say so in the form and I will make you a different award.)

3.Can't Only be links

Thants about it. It would help you a lot if you linked to me and signed my guestbook as well, but you don't have to. To win, fill out the form below, or send me an e mail. Good Luck!

Fill out completely!

Your full name:
Your email address: (e.g.:

What is the name of your page?

What is your URL?

Will you come back?   Yup, I love it here!   I might if I have time!   No way, this page sucks

Did you sign my guestbook?   Yes   not yet, but I will   No, I don't plan on it either!

Why do you think your page should win? (optional)

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