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Make a Dedication to Those on Titanic

Here, you can post a messages dedicated to those who died on Titanic. Just fill out the form or e mail me. I will post all dedications up if they are appropiate. Thanks

To Jack, Rose, Thomas Andrews and Tommy Ryan

Rest in peace


To all those who died on the Titanic

May you rest in peace

Kevin D.

To Rose

i dedicate the whole movie to rose for the great parts she done and i hope that she will live for ever until she finds her jack, of course i doubt thatll never happen so hopefully shell find someone like him


To Ben Gugeinheim

I just want to tell to Benjamin Guggenheim that he was very courageous and smart! He died courageoulsy and he gave his lifebelt to another people!

Mylene G.

In the names of all that died in this accident! May you rest in Heaven!

Robbie M.

To Jack and Rose

May you always be togeher and may you hearts go on.

Nicole Lipkon


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