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Here...well...this is here huh?

Lets see...what can you find out about me on this site?

How about where I live?

How about things that I like to do in my spare time...and my not-so-spare time when I am at work?

I know...what personal life?!

Don't like that?  Try taking a peek at a set of shout outs to my friends...what little friends I do have...but here it is anyway.

Geez, you might be hard to please, but I bet this will get you!  Try looking at the list of stupid things that I have done in my lifetime!

You must like looking at pictures of people you don't know...I know I do.

My subconscious is an amazing place...why don't you take a look here and see if you can tell me anything about my dreams.

My not-so-subconscious is also an amazing train ride to take...sometimes following my train of thought can leave my girlfriend frustrated. 

Wanna be really bored?  Find out what I am doing right now (right now being relative to the time that I updated the page, of course.  I do not have a web cam, nor do I plan on getting one anytime soon...nor would I let you watch me in my bedroom!)

I know you are probably thinking...what on earth could a gal like this listen to?  If you REALLY would like to know, here is a list of my mp3's and cd's.  This page could be very very long...I'll try to split it up in there somewhere.  

Here is a page to let you know how to get a hold of me if you REALLY wanna be my friend.  I'm really harmless, I just have a big bite ~wink~

Here is a funky lil thing I picked up from someone else's website...It's a list of random things that I think are cool...Check it out, I'm not gonna describe it.

God, if you don't like any of that...Leave me a note in my guest book and I'll see if I care enough to fix it for ya!