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Wild Celebrations

BBQ at Elsbeth's House

After the final whistle of Castle’s Central England League victory the celebrations began. The wild behaviour spilled onto the banks of the Trent and it looked at one point as though the celebrations would go on until tea time.!!!!


However much as the team had fun with their Magnums, it was felt that a more sophisticated Club wide celebration was called for. So an impromptu BBQ was organised at Elsbeth’s house and as many of the club attended as possible. Luckily The Dark Side was able to slip a spy into the throng to report on the events of the night.

Main Events included

1, Tussles with Campus security

2, Wild Man Ant and his Frisbee of Steel

3, Elsbeth; Walking on Fire!!

(The Dark Side hopes that Photo’s will follow!)

The celebrations went on into the night and rightly so. Many a hangover was expected for Monday AM. HOWEVER.................

Once again Castle let itself down , Why? Simple.

Lack of


And not just Scandal, a lack of disgraceful behaviour, a lack of rumour, a lack of internal rumblings etc. This cannot continue, and we, The Dark Side, looks to the forthcoming to remedy this untenable situation!

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