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If you Gooooo to San-Fran-cisco..........

Be Sure to wear some Flowers in your Hair!

"Viva Maria Viva Victoria, OOOh oww"

So ran the winning song from every Korfer’s favourite Musical event of the year.The Eurovision Song Contest!!. As usual the evening was an exercise in Political point awarding - SUPER! - vastly more biased than in previous years, by the phone vote of the general public.

The Dark Side - responsive as ever to our 1 reader’s view - has decide to re stage the event with an unbiased "mail in" to decide the winner.

So get your E-voting slips together, have another listen to the tunes and lets have a big round of Virtual applause for............ KorfaVision!!!

1, Mad Coated German Bloke

2,Long floaty dress cad Women

3, Transsexual Israel bloke, sorry Bird, sorry ‘Lady’.

4, Another rather Unpleasant Peasant Tune from Croatia.


, People jumped under Horses for that right!!!

If you want Mad Coated German Bloke to win, Write now to,

Quoting Korfavision Number One.

If you want Long Floaty Dress Collective to win, Write now to,

Quoting Korfavision Number Two.

Etc. Etc.Etc.

Lines open till June 30th, always check with the Bill payer before using the Email!!

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