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Family BBQ

Unfortunatly The Dark Side was unable to get a roving reporter through the tight security that surrounded this event. However for your amusement here is a concise report from the 'Hostess with The Mostess'.

BBQ 6th June
Did not rain - most of the time

People turned up - most of them

Drank a lot - quite a few of them

Ate some stuff - most of them

Went away again - all of them

Another spectacular social event!

Amore detailed report from said Hostess

Unlike many if not all similar events in The Family household, this was a highly respectable event, in which everyone seemed on their very best behaviour.

The jamming session seemed to be warming up when disaster struck. The piano - a fairly new addition to the household - clearly felt inadequately briefed on its role and perhaps a little ignored, or impressed by Suzy who could put Liberace to shame on a good night, maybe not the crying all the way to the bank though!. This resulted in immature and irritating behaviour which involved the consumption of too much red wine. Unfortunately unable to hold its drink it began to have delusions. It decided that it was in fact an out of tune and rusty doorbell, it sulked and decided that it did not want to play anymore, it took its ball and went home.

In search of insobriety and insanity the proceedings came to an untimely end. Needless to say all's well that ends well. Unable to hold its drink the piano finally recovered on Monday morning with the aid of hairdriers, tissues and cotton buds. Much to her satisfaction Gill recovered much earlier with the aid of tea, nurofen and peppermint oil. Damn the ketones and tannin in the red wine. Remember just because your paraniod, it does not mean everyone is not out to get you!

The Family

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