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Smoked Haddock?

The Haddock are clearly rattled!! A prize to anyone who can stay awake through this latest offering.


Haddock press release:

The Haddock are saddened to hear of recent developments and mutterings from certain members of the castle fraternity. It appears somewhat of a hate campaign is beginning to bubble in a way that has not been seen since the Salem Witch Trials. Both Rangers and Manchester United warned us that the road to success is paved with jealousy with any Tom Dick and Harriet feeling that it is their place to undermine our position in anyway their twisted mind allows - well enough is enough we say. The facts should be allowed to speak for themselves

1) The Haddock is the only team to play in the spirit with which the league was created

2) The Hadock is currently averaging a 93.75% turnout for Haddock players in its fixtures - With at least 2 other teams having fallen below the EC minimum standard of 50% and one falling to just 25% we feel proud to be the benchmark of the club.

3) On the one occasion the Haddock has played a mongrel they were of equal ability to the Hadock I.E.unable to play - We are 100% ringer free - again a first and only for the league.

4) As for the pathetic attempt by our so called coach to cast aspersions as to the identity of the sorrowful figure seen kicking a golf ball around Keele for the last three holes, then the Haddock would like you to consider this. There are some very good stuntmen out there - of this there is no doubt. But just how much money do you think it would take to rent stunt hair of that calibre for an afternoons golf? We may be wealthy but we appeal to the publics common sense when judging this matter.

We trust this will put to bed the mutterings and murmurings suurounding the Haddock and allow the club to move in the direction that the Haddock at least is striving to take it.Bottom of the league??, Ed

The Haddock

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