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Chi's Birthday Bash!!

Marv's Marvellous Misadventure

Another fab social was had by all on Saturday 13th June at the Golfers to celebrate Chi's 30th.

Happy Birthday Chi!!!!!!!

The event was held in the usual silent, sober, thoughtful manner which Castle is renoun. The chanting was very much back up to it's old high standard although there was still an awaresness during the Yogic Posturing - something to work on maybe.

The food was great, especially the Cheese Rolls and of course Chi's Cake!! Mind you The Dark Side does not recommend Chi's beer unless you come from Cheddar or happen to live in France.

The Dark Side was pleased to see the return of Super Fi and her side-kick Mr Glitter to the Social circuit. 'It's great to see the leader of the gang back' enthused one punter.
Just shows you can't put an old head on young shoulders can you!!!.

Manchester Korfball sent down an Ambassador in the form of their Chairperson, Stylist, Jester and Drink Quaffer - Marv 'The Marv' Marv.

I think Manchester would have been proud of his keen example which he set to the Club. His 'Live art' impression of The Thinker for the last 20 minutes was sheer genius as indeed was the later pieces entitled 'Multicoloured Pavement' and 'Midnight House Walk'.

I think we can all rest assured that Manc. Korfball is in Safe hands!!

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