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Khameleons - Now you See us.......

Khameleons Team Members

Tradgedy In the Khameleon Camp!!

The Khameleons - Team of the people Suffered a Human tradgedy and a MAJOR setback in their Title defence when Diane took a nasty fall in Trainning.

Sadley she ruptured her Achillies ??? and won't be able to train for some time, but everyone wishes her a speedy recovery (especially the Khameleons)

News Flash

David in Ankle break shocker
Unconfirmed reports have reached The Dark Side that the Khameleon secret weapon - David has broken his ankle. Again we wish him a speedy recovery and mourn yet another set back in our title defence!!

Quick Khameleon Quiz

Name the Khameleon Player?

- - - - - / - - - -

Answers on a postcard Please.

Surname Clue: Sounds Like what the Big Bad Wolf Did!!

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