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It’s Come Home It’s come Home, The League title has come home......................... to Castle


Sing and dance celebrate.

The Dark Side had hired an open toped London Bus to parade our newly acquired Silverware to the streets of Stoke, but sadly the event was cancelled by Keele security men.

OK here it is; The Dark Side’s very own match report.

Date: Sunday May 17th, Time: 1:30 PM, Place: Nottingham. Weather: Boiling Hot.

Castle were all fired up and ready to go. The team had mostly been forced onto a strict sportsman’s diet in the preceding 24 hours. (although the Dark Side is looking into allegations that this diet had an overemphasis on liquid content).

A fantastic performance started with Castle going behind, a cunning tactic which we have been using to good effect all season. I suppose we couldn’t deny Nottingham a moment of triumph, alas a moment was all we could afford . At the end of a physical first half Castle were already 2-5 ahead. Our defending was as tight as could be and Nottingham were reduced to peppering the Castle post with long shots.

If anything the shooting got better after the break on both sides, pushing the scores up. Then with 14 minutes to go Kirsty ‘The Axe’ Prentice struck, resulting in the dislocation of one of the Nottingham lad’s arms. A source close to ‘The Axe’ disclosed, “she twists arms like a bouncer but I’ve never seen her go this far”. Prentice denied all knowledge of the incident although the Dark Side acknowledges that 3 years at Staffs. toughens a person up!!

Nottingham responded well to the loss of the player and with 5 mins to go called a time out with the scores at 7-11. Teasingly Castle allowed them to pull 3 goals back. However time was running out and shortly after Alan placed his 3rd goal, the whistle blew, leaving the final score at 10-12.

What a day, what a season.

Again a massive Thank You to the hardy bunch of supporters who gave up a day in the sun. And well done to Jon 'The Hair' Herbet who has finally won something he didn’t set up!!! .

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