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Evidence or Admission?

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PRESS RELEASE: May 3rd, 1998 From The Office of Public Relations, Staffordshire Korfball.
It has come to this organisation's attention that a serious breach of internal league rules may have occurred. Amid a flurry of allegations, Castle Korfball Club has launched a comprehensive investigation. It is alleged that a Jon Herbert 'double' was substituted for the genuine Mr. Herbert on the occasion of April 5, 1998.

The Castle Haddock Korfball Team arranged an invitation for Mr. Herbert to the Keele Municipal Golf Course on this day. However, Mr. Herbert was then abducted and replaced with a highly-trained and highly-paid stunt-double. Said stunt-double proceeded to play comedy golf for the following eighteen holes, demonstrating a total absence of talent and a somewhat unsettled temprament. (Clearly, anyone that knows Mr. Herbert would immediately have spotted the anomaly of his substandard golf and called the police. Consequent speculation that other participants in the day's golf were also substituted is, as yet, unsubstantiated.)
This allegation, if proved accurate, would, of course, amount to a flagrant breach of Internal League Rule No. 17, Section a, Part i, "Players shall not use stunt-double Jon Herberts on a golf course preceeding or following an internal league fixture." This rule was, of course, written at the founding of the league specifically to prevent the course of events that have sadly, it would seem, occurred. Mr. Herbert has appealed to Castle Korfball Club for help in this matter, and officers of the club are currently investigating this apparent breach of rules.

At this time, the Castle Haddock, as the team most responsible for Mr. Herbert's invitation, are at the centre of the investigation. Mr. Herbert hopes for a satisfactory conclusion to this sordid tale as soon as possible. However, while the investigation into this allegation continues, Mr. Herbert feels it would be inappropriate to make himself vulnerable to further skullduggery by undertaking further golfing activities. *********************************************************

The Dark side cannot reveal it's source, but in the light of this new evidence we have reason to believe this to be a cheap publicity stunt by the Haddock.

click here to see their Sordid past

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