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Public Relations Information Page

Public Relations is a management function which evaluates public attitudes, identifies the politics of an individual or an organization within the public interest and then plans and executes a program of action geared at earning public understanding and acceptance. This means advising management on public reaction to possible management decisions, as well as the planning and dissemination of messages to the public(s), for the purpose of gaining support and understanding.

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I hope to place here Links to many useful PR Sites, as well as some general information about Public Relations. I am creating this page because as a Public Relations student I have found that the good PR links are far and few between when doing research, so why not have them all in one place! If you have any links that you think should be here, please let me know. (page last updated April 30, 2000)

Table of Contents

If you already know where youre going, skip to it, if not I encourage you to Scroll down this page, and Don't forget to Bookmark, so you don't get lost!

Ethics are Essential! , Get Connected , Keep Informed , Canadian Sources , Looking for Some Periodicals , Research Tools ,Last Resort Links , Press Release Page , Crisis Management Page , Search Page .


Ethics are Essential

To be a public relations practitioner you must follow a code of ethics. If you have not seen the code of ethics, it is a good idea to do so. After all, a PR person is only as good as his/her reputation.

An Article on Ethics This is an article on ethics in the field of Public Relations written by a student named A. Appleby. Might be interesting to take a look.

You Need to Get Connected

If you are a student in Public Relations then you need to get connected. The best way to do this is to join the IABC a.k.a. the International Association of Business Communicators, or the PRSA (Public Relations Society of America) . Both of these organizations have student memberships which are not only affordable but they have local chapters and activities which enable you to become connected with the people in the industry near you. To visit the student site of the PRSA , click Public Relations Student Society of America (the PRSSA).

You can also look into the CPRS (Canadian Public Relations Society)

Keep Informed

One of the most important things in Public Relations is to keep informed. It pays to keep on top of things whether you're dealing with crisis management or fundraising. Here are a few sites that I find extremely informative, easy to access and use.

Link to what you Need to Know

Before you link, bookmark here now!

An excellent source for daily news, it helps you create a specific page geared at your information needs, arranged by industry! AND there is a specific PR Industry News section. Check it out! Set it as your web browser start page and get ALL the PR news every day! Also a good place to get exposed to Press Releases
The Politics
If it's in Politics, you'll find it here!Features original colums on politics and public policy that go "above and beyond what appears in the newspaper". Old Washington Post polls are archived at the site, there are Directories of government sites, and public officials (as well as contact information for every state's cheif executive, in the Governor's Guide). There are also commentary and guides to major issues on the public agenda.
Total News
This is a page from which you also create your own page (do this from the "personal edition" area). Membership is free, and the best part about this page is that there are links to all the other major news resources on the web, such as CNN, and at least 15 others. It will allow you to link to the weather channel, and a myriad of other information links.
The Drudge Report
This page is an incredible source of reference on the net, you will find here links to all major stories, and have search capabilities as well.
"Full Moon Poya Day" ?????
World Holidays You Should Know About as a PR Professional!
Environmental News Service
PRN International
Web site designed to provide useful information to PR professionals in the US and Overseas. It offers information for investor relations and PR professionals, the media and business professionals worldwide.
Top 100 Newspapers
If you're looking for an american newspaper, chances are you'll find it here! Among the papers are: The Chicago Sun Times , The Baltimore Sun , USA Today , The Boston Globe , The New York Times , The Wall Street Journal , and The Los Angeles Times .

Canadian Sources

Canadian Public Relations Society

Societe des Relationnistes du Quebec

The Globe and Mail
Canada News Wire
Government of Canada
Statistics Canada
Canada's National Public Radio, CBC Radio
World Report, Current Affairs, Special Events, CBC Radio One and Two, Program Listings and more. There is also place to announce your Community Events.

Looking for Some Periodicals?

This is where you'll find the Public Relations Tricks of the Trade....

Public Relations Tactics
Offers News, trends, and how to information for Public Relations People.
The Public Relations Strategist
The Strategist covers issues and trends affecting management.
Communication World
From the IABC.
Journal of Public Relations Research

PR Central
Online News and Intelligence for Proffessional Communicators from the publishers of "Inside PR" and "Reputation Management".

Looking for a Good place to Start Your Research?

The Following are excellent sites to find the Background information that you need, or anything else.

PRO/CON is where you'll find the pros and cons on major issues. Pro and Con is a daily publication providing in-depth coverage of important public policy and social issues. Look into the Arts Forum, Education Forum, Environment Forum, Ethics Forum, Government, Health, Justice, Politics, Religion, and many more! Get the Pro's and Cons!
This is a great place to find some related web sites if youre looking for information on a specific topic. Search their past pick of the day list for what you would like to find.
Electric Library
This is an excellent resource and it comes with a free 30 day trial period, so you have nothing to loose. This gives you access to journals, books, maps, news broadcasts, and almost any reference source you may want to find in one quick search! Try it out I am certain you wont regret it!
Political Polls, Old and New
View old Washington Post Polls in the Archive, or do a search on Political Stories, Issues .
Northern Light
This search engine is great for finding past articles in journals (like PR Quarterly), and many others, although it does search the web for information as well, it has exclusive rights to many journals , reviews, and publications that other searches do not have access to. Very impressive layout of search results as well.
Encyclopaedia Britannica
This online reference is actually very impressive, take a look you will most likely find what you are searching for!
The encyclopedia of encyclopedias. One of the richest sources of information on the net.

Internet Public Library
Some interesting resources available here, it really is like a public library on the net.
The ultimate source of company information.
"My Virtual Reference Desk"
Quick reference and research links for almost any field.

Incase you feel you want to do an internet Search you can look on my Search Engine Page Here you will find links to many search utilities , and databases, as well as brief descriptions and their different strengths.

Public Relations Links, incase what you are looking for wasn't here

Professional Practice Center
Offers resources you need to enhance your PR knowledge and abilities, from the PRSA.
Communications Roundtable
An organization for Communications, Public Relations and Information Professionals.
Institute of Public Relations, UK
This site has a few sources of information about Public Relations as well as links. It is best to visit the PRSA page or the IABC, if you are in North America First for most of the information, but this page does have some interesting references, such as an online listing of Public Relations Books , some links, general information, and resources.
Career Opportunities
Public Relations List
A listing of mainly commercial links.
About Public Relations
Oakridge Public Relations Agency position papers on various PR topics

The Doorway Visit my other pages from this entery point!

Thanks for Visiting!

Ethics are Essential , Get Connected , Keep Informed , Canadian Sources , Looking for Some Periodicals , Research Tools ,Last Resort Links , Press Release Page , Crisis Management Page , Search Page , The Doorway .

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