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Rabbits are taking over my house

Pictures of Foufie and Luckie are here

We never intended to have rabbits, but one day on our weekly walk through the pet shop we saw him, our little Foufie. So we bought him. it has been an incredible learning experience since the day we bought him. We never imagined what great pets rabbits could be. read the brief article The Soul behind the Face . Here are some links to web sites that I think are great about rabbits:

Important stuff about rabbits:
-All about Diet
-An article about Breed
The Sharpes Rabbit Page : Foufie and Luckie

Here is a page I *love* all about what a House Rabbit is...

The House Rabbit Society is the ultimate reference on the web, please visit their site iThe soul behind the facet is phenominal.

Rabbit References and More: This is another excellent page with loads of information including medical information about rabbits.

Paulsons Rabbit World  Is an excellent site supporting the uniqueness of these creatures as wonderful and unique pets. 

Bunny Home Pages: this is a *MEGA* listing of rabbit sites. I have been throigh them all and my favorites are listed here. 

Tracys Bunny Page: This site has a good collection of information and some cute pics.

General Rabbit Care: As well as how big you can expect your rabbit to grow!

Some Bunny Loves you: Here you will learn how to care for your rabbit, understand bunny behavior, introduce rabbits to other pets as well as to each other, and other useful information that *everybunny* should know

My Rabbit Reference Bookstore and Readingroom 

Exotic Vet Page:Rabbit Care information such as General Care, Nutrition, Environment, and Medical Problems which need immediate attention. 

Rabbit Housing (Kelly's Cages): this is an amazing site. You must visit it if you want to know about housing and play options!

More links Coming Shortly!

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