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Interests :

Contrary to popular belief, my entire existence is not solely concerned with lusting after, and, flirting with various delightful females online.. although, one does try..<FHEG>.. nor is it absolutely true that one spends one's days and nights logged on ..<FHG>..

..although British Telecom would, perhaps, beg to differ with that.. be very happy to disagree, in fact, as they rake in their massive profits from my custom alone..

In my spare time, and, I DO somehow manage to have some, and, I tend to value what I have very much .. I enjoy playing golf, a competitive game of chess, bridge or trivia with friends.

However, it HAS to be said.. my true passion is cooking.

In my humble opinion, NOTHING beats good food, accompanied by a half decentish wine, and, on the rare occasion, when an opportunity presents itself..the company of a decent, or, as the case maybe, not so decent lady..<vbg>

In view of a lack of suitable opportunity presenting itself to be able to prepare the fayre for you personally, I thought it might be an idea to share with you some of my favourite recipes, with you, online, updating them as often as possible.

Please click on the links below to go to one.