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Are you sleeping yet? :) You're probably under the covers already in dreamland.....while I 'm sitting ....staring at the computer....deep in thought. ..:) but I can't seem to fall asleep just yet., so I decided I'd write some of my thoughts to you and then maybe I can rest.

Where did the time go tonight? We started talking early enough , and then all of a sudden the magic hour appeared and it was time to call it a night.It always seems to surprise me when the time arrives. Gee, I wish work went by that Sometimes I think we have a little bit of the energizer bunny in us....we just keep going and going and going....:).I am never aware of how the time flies when we talk. I just know I feel a touch of sadness when its time to say goodnight.:(

I was sitting here thinking about our relationship and how it has evolved....We were strangers online ... who , through time, become best friends.:) We're both alone ...and lucky for us,that we are, because we both know that what we have now is beginning to develop into something more........much more. Theres a definite touch of electricity in the air.Sometimes I think I can actually see the sparks.......Hmmmm, I know I can feel them....:) Its such an exciting feeling and yet scary at the same time. ..Know what I mean? ......Of course you do....:) You feel it too.........

We've discussed the probability of meeting and I know it will happen in time.Sometimes its hard with so many miles between us because I just want to reach out and touch. I want to sit with you and watch your expressions as you talk. I want to see your face as you smile and laugh ......and I want so much to feel your hug,,,,,,,and your warmth........

I sometimes wonder if the magic will continue when we finally do meet and spend time in the physical world together. I do know that no matter how much we have "touched" each others hearts, we will have to get past that getting to know you" stage face to face.....:) I know my smile will probably say it all.....:) I have no doubt, that if we're given the chance......that what we are feeling now, will strengthen when we are alone together....

I also know, that if our relationship is meant to will be. We have our friendship first and thats a wonderful foundation to build on. I just needed to tell you how I feel at this very moment and sometimes expressing my feelings in the form of writing, is the best way for me.......

Okay, I think I can sleep now. So, for about the 8th time tonight:), I will say (((((goodnight))))) and Sweet dreams.....I have no doubt ....that I will.....:) I hope you have a wonderful day tomorrow....and .....think of me......just a bit....during the course of your day.I know ......I'll be thinking of you:)



FROM ME......TO YOU.....:)

An Shayna(copyright1999)

I couldn't resist......:)lol

There's a spark of magic in the air

Candyland appears each time you smile.

Never thought that fairy tales come true..

But they come true..

when I'm near you.

You're a genie in disguise...

Full of wonder and surprise....

Betch by golly wow

You're the one that I've been waiting for


And always will my love for you

Keep growingstrong....keep growing strong.

If I could I'd catch a falling star...

To shine on you so I"d know where you are.

Paint a rainbow in your favorite shade...

To show I love you....

Thinking of you.

Write your name across the sky

Anything you ask I'll try....

(Betcha By Golly Wow).

(The Stylistics)

You're the one I'm Thinking Of..

The only one.......:)

© 1998 Shayna is the author of original poetry and thoughts on this page You will see my name in flames displayed beneath each original piece.NOTE: These original writings are copyrighted and they may NOT be reproduced, distributed or displayed in any way or form without the author's expressed and written consent.You may not circulate them or place them for the viewing public in any way.If you wish to share this poem with any other person(s), then please either share this web page address (URL)

or place a link to this web page (let me know so I may visit you)or get expressed and written permission from the author. Thank you.......Shayna

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Shayna's Pages Created With Love

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