Buffy and Angel's Dreams Come True (Cont.)

t Buffy's house, the whole gang including Giles was in the kitchen waiting for Buffy and Angel. 

"Can I go see if it worked?" Willow asked. Everyone turned to look at her. 

"Willow that is the hundredth time you've asked. Wait until they come down!" Xander said in an exasperated whine. 

"Well,." Willow started, "I can't help it if I am excited for them!" Giles looked at his watch and turned to Willow. "Willow, you can go see if their up, if they are tell them to come down, if they aren't, let them sleep. They need to rest as much as possible." Willow bounced upstairs and into the room. She looked around but no one was there. *Weird* She went to the bed and found a note. 

Hey everyone, Angel and I are fine, we just wanted to explore life in the sun together! Sorry for not waking you and telling you guys. But it was too early. Thanx for everything and see ya guys later! 

Love always,
Buffy & Angel

Willow felt relieved that they were alright, and returned to her waiting friends, note in hand. After everyone had read the note they all shared a knowing smile. They new that their friends deserved this time together. 

"It's understandable." Xander said. Cordy butted in. 

"Excuse me, but did I just hear right? Xander saying 'It's ok'?" Everyone nodded. 

"I deserved that." Xander grumbled to himself, and the others snickered. "Ok, so I guess the guy isn't that bad." Then Willow got a big, bright smile on her face. Giles looked at Willow, curious. 

"Willow, are you alright?" 

"Oh, Giles I am fine, I am more than fine. I have the perfect idea!" Everyone eyed her suspiciously, and she laughed. "Let's have a part for Angel. Sort of a Happy Rebirthday party! Just us, of coarse." The Scooby gang agreed and they began straightening up. They had a lot to do before Buffy and Angel returned, and they weren't exactly sure when that would be. 


Meanwhile Buffy and Angel were having so much fun; riding rides and enjoying each others company, and spending all their time in the sun. 

"Buffy do you still have that ring I gave you? The Claudaugh one?" Angel asked. Buffy was shocked. 

"Of coarse I do." She held her hand out, for him to see. Angel smiled. 

"Can I have it back?" Buffy's smile faded, hesitantly, she took the ring off and handed it to him. She was about to cry, and was working hard to hide her tears. 

"Great! Be right back." Angel took off to God only knew where, and Buffy turned around looking for the closest bench. She was tired of standing and walking and carrying the bags of souvenirs. She was about to take a sip of her drink when the loud speaker, that happened to be right above the bench, came on. 

"Buffy Summers.." It said and she almost dropped her drink in her lap. Buffy looked around, not knowing what she was looking for. "Buffy, you are the world to me. I love you with all my heart and soul. You are so wonderful, your the reason that I am here today. I would be honored if you would be my wife." Buffy was completely shocked. She started to walk towards the booth to see who it was that had [proposed, but when she was halfway there the owner of the voice stepped out of the booth. 

"Angel!" Buffy smiled a great, big smile. They met each other halfway, and Angel took a deep breath. 

"Well?" Buffy just smiled. 

"Hell yeah!" Angel's face glowed with happiness, and they hugged each other tightly. Then Angel pulled away, and kissed Buffy; long and passionately. Then the announcer came on. 

"I think that's a yes, folks! Congratulations!" The announcer bellowed and the whole crowd around them cheered, whistled, and clapped at the happy couple. Angel scooped Buffy up in his arms and started spinning her around, both of them laughing. When he stopped he reached into his pocket and pulled out a ring. 

"I guess you want this back?" He said while he slid it on her finger, heart pointing towards her. Buffy smiled once again. 

"I was wondering why you wanted it back. Your so sweet, I love you!" Angel smiled back. 

"I love you too!" Then they grabbed their things, and started for home, hand in hand. 


Back at Buffy's house, everything was looking great, and there were decorations all over. Snacks were set out and drinks in a cooler, and of coarse music. The sun had set, and it was just after 7:30. The gang knew Buffy and Angel would be back soon, and decided it was time to hide. They scattered in the dark in the living room, while Willow kept a look out at the window. 

"They're here!" Willow announced in a loud whisper. Everyone shut up and got ready for the big surprise. They heard the door open and in walked Buffy with Angel behind her. 

"Why is it so dark, everyone must have gone home!" Buffy said as Angel stepped into the living room to turn on the lights, Buffy beside him. Once the lights were on everyone jumped up and yelled, 

"SURPRISE!" Buffy and Angel both gasped and started laughing. 

"Wow, guys what this for?" Buffy asked. 

"It's for Angel becoming human!" Willow exclaimed. Angel didn't know what to say. 

"All this.... is for me?" 

"Yep Dead--er--" Xander paused for a minute. "Hey what am I gonna call you now?" 

"Gee, Xander I have an idea for ya, how bout calling him, Angel." Everyone laughed until Oz turned on the music and they all started dancing. Then Willow disappeared into the kitchen and came out with a cake in her hands. Everyone, but Angel, chanted the song, 'Happy Birthday.' When they finished, Angel looked up at all of them. 

"You guys, it's not my birthday." 

"We know, but we wanted to celebrate you being human, so it's like a 'Rebirthday.'" Willow replied. 

"Huh, get it RE birthday, Will just made a funny!" Everyone glared at Xander. Cordy pointed to the cake, and Angel read it. 

Happy Rebirthday Angel. Welcome to the Human World.

"Now we couldn't have the bakery put on the words, for obvious reasons, so we had Willow do it." Cordy said. Angel's eyes were watering. He was very touched that all of Buffy's friends would consider him, a former killing vampire, their friend too. 

"Thanks guys!" Buffy had a little announcement to make herself. "Um, guys, that's not the only thing we are celebrating!" Everyone looked at Buffy, who was looking at Angel for the go ahead. Angel sent Buffy a look saying, ' It's ok, tell them,' " Well, Angel and I are going to be married!" The Scooby gang all shared shocked expressions. After they had snapped out of their shock-state, they all congratulated Buffy and Angel. Then Giles left and the teens partied for another hour. Buffy invited the Scooby gang to sleep over. After everything was cleaned up and they all got ready for bed 

"Uh, Buff where we snoozing?" Xander queried. Buffy thought for a moment before replying. 

"Um, Angel and I can take my mom's room, Willow and Oz my room, and Xander, you and Cordelia can have the guest bedroom. Settled?" The gang nodded. "Good, 'cause it's been a great, exciting, day, but I have to get some sleep, I'm beat." Buffy disappeared up the stairs followed by everyone else. Buffy was almost asleep when she heard the door open and close. Angel went to the bed and laid down next to her, wrapping his arms around her. 

"I love you!" he whispered in her ear. Buffy smiled shifted to face him. 

"I love you too!" Then she kissed him and he returned the kiss. When they broke the kiss she cuddled her body against his, her head under his chin, noticing his body was warm now. They both eventually fell asleep. 


Sunday, November 29th 1998 

Buffy slowly awoke and looked at the clock on her mother's nightstand. 9:30 am. Buffy smelled something burning, and was about to alert Angel to it when she noticed he wasn't in the bed or the room. She got up and headed down stairs to see what was burning. She heard pots and pans, and immediately headed to the kitchen. Walking through the doorway she stopped to take in the funniest thing she'd ever seen. Angel in an apron trying to make breakfast. Buffy started laughing uncontrollably and Angel spun to face her, looking slightly embarrassed. 

"What's so funny?" He asked indignantly, but Buffy was still laughing. 

"I'm sorry... it's just.. that, that I've never seen you with an... apron on, and, trying to cook." Buffy gasped out through her giggles. 

"Yeah.." Angel started, then sighed dejectedly. "It's not working." Buffy went over and wrapped her arms around his waist. 

"If it makes you feel any better, I can't cook either." Angel managed a smile. 

"Well, it's helps a little." He smiled broader before bending down to kiss his fiancee. The rest of the gang came down all dressed. 

"Were going out to eat, you guys want?" Xander asked, taking in the messy kitchen. Angel looked up from Buffy. 

"I'm making breakfast," he replied. 

"Let me repeat: Do you guys want anything to eat?" Xander queried, barely containing his laughter and the preposterous state of the kitchen. Everyone, except Angel laughed, even Buffy. Angel looked down at his fiancee. 

"Are you laughing at me?" he asked indignantly. Buffy smiled innocently. 

"Who me? No...Yes!" She burst out laughing with everyone else. Angel sighed. 

"Ok, Buffy and everyone else who cuts down my cooking, go get ready, if I can't make you guys breakfast, I'll treat you to breakfast." After a half hour everyone was ready, and they left in two cars. Xander, Willow and Oz went in Cordelia's car. While Buffy went with Angel. After they finished eating they returned to Buffy's house. They talked about lots of things, they watched t.v., just hung out and enjoyed each other's company. Eventually, day turned into night, and once again Buffy invited the gang to stay over. It was 1:3o in the morning when Buffy's stomach growled demanding to be fed. Buffy got up and went downstairs to the kitchen, finding Willow sitting there munching on some odd concoction. 

"Hey Will, what's up?" Willow looked up as her friend entered the kitchen. 

"Oh, I couldn't sleep, you?" Buffy smiled. 

"Oh, I'm sleeping fine thanks to you-know-who," Buffy pointed upstairs. "I was just hungry." Buffy replied as she took a jar of peanut butter out. 

"Hey Buffy, you're really happy aren't you?" Buffy looked up from the open jar of peanut butter to face Willow and smiled broadly. 

"Yeah, I am. Angel's human so we can be together all the time, and now were getting married!" 

"How did he propose?" Willow asked, and Buffy told her about the Carnival and the loud speaker and the crowds. "Oh that is so romantic! Buffy, no wonder you're so happy!" Buffy put back the peanut butter and turned to Willow. 

"I'm always happy with Angel and you guys! And now I can have all of you all of the time." Buffy and Willow laughed and hugged each other. "Well, I am gonna go back to sleep, see ya in the morning." 

"Yeah, see ya." Willow said before going back to bed herself. Buffy quietly came into the room, so she wouldn't wake Angel. She went to the bed and climbed in gently, pulling the covers back over herself. She laid on her side, facing Angel, and started to cry. Angel heard her sob and opened his eyes. He saw Buffy with her head in the pillow, her back heaving. He was worried and began rubbing her back with his hand trying to offer comfort. Buffy turned to look at him and when she did, he saw her face. Buffy took one look at Angel and buried her head in his chest. There was silence in the room for a couple of minutes. Then Angel spoke. 

"Buffy what's wrong? Why were you crying?" By that time, Buffy had managed to stop crying and pull her head from Angel's chest. 

"It's just that I can't believe we are here. Ya know? Together, you human, and the biggest joy of it all, were gonna get married. I just.. when we met I never thought are relationship was gonna make it as far as it has. I'm so happy!" Angel sighed. He was relieved to know that nothing was bothering Buffy, and he leaned over and kissed her, long and passionate. When he pulled away and hugged her tightly, and Buffy hugged him back. 

"Good, 'cause this is how it's gonna be for the rest of our lives. Unless you have a problem with that?" Buffy looked up at Angel. 

"I have no problem with that at all, I just don't want to lose you, I love you!" 

"Buffy, your not going to lose me. I'm right here and I am not going anywhere. I love you way too much. And nothing can ever change that, I love you!" Angel said. Buffy smiled and snuggled up against Angel's body. They both wrapped their arm and legs around each other and just laid there, until they fell asleep realizing they had the rest of their lives to be together. 


To the shelves
To the next story in the series