Something New

By Andrea Michelle

DISCLAIMER: I don’t own any of the Buffy characters they all belong to Joss and the WB. And Sarah Michelle Geller and David Boreanaz belong to themselves.

Summary: Sarah and David read a scene from Buffy and decide that they need to change some things.

Authors note: This story is short and pointless, it also reflects the way I feel about the Buffy/Angel relationship.


Buffy: I don’t know what to do. I try to stay away, but I always come back.

Angel: I know, we can’t be together.

Buffy: Everytime we get together we end up kissing and that leads to other things and we can’t go there.

(Buffy turned and walked to the door.)

Angel: When are you coming back?

Buffy: I’m not.

(Buffy continued out the door without looking back.)


"What?" Sarah said to David. "This is ridiculous."

"I agree. Why are we doing another scene where Buffy and Angel are trying to be together but can’t?" David answered.

"I know. I’m sick of this on again off again relationship." Sarah replied.

"Yeah, I think they should just pick one, together or not together." David reasoned.

"Yeah, I think we should just do the script our way, and make Buffy and Angel get together and stay that way." Sarah answered.

"I think so too."

With that they began to rewrite the script.

Buffy: I’m sick of playing games and fighting my feelings.

Angel: Me too. I love you and we should be together.

Buffy: Yeah and I’m sure Willow or Giles can find a way to make the curse permanent.

Angel: I’m sure they can.

(Buffy and Angel move closer together during the conversation.)

Buffy: I love you.

Angel: I love you too.

(They kiss.)

(The music comes on and the scene fades away to the credits.)

&&&&&& "That’s much better." Sarah said.

"Yes, but will Joss like it?" David replied.

"Who cares? I think the audience will like this better." Sarah answered.

"I’m sure they will." David smiled as he and Sarah began to rehearse their lines.


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