You Oughta Know

By Megg

DISCLAIMER: If I owned anything, would I write fanfic? Archiver's Note: This takes place post-"Enemies"

Willow Rosenburg and Buffy Summers sat down on a bench in the park.

"Wow," Willow said. "This must be like the first time I've been in 
the park during the day. It's kind of nice."

"Yeah," Buffy agreed, although she wasn't listening closely.

Willow glanced sideways at her friend. "He loves you, you know," she 
said softly.

"I know," Buffy whispered, but she didn't sound convinced.

"You guys need to talk."

"I don't know if I hurts just to look at him, Willow, it 
hurts so bad."

"He was just acting," Willow told her.

"But was he? You'll never know how realistic it was and how much to 
hurt, Will, never." A single tear trickled down her cheek. "How do I 
know he didn't really get a happy and lose his soul?"

"How would he get a happy?" Willow asked logically.

"He slept with her, Will," Buffy whispered. "He had sex with Faith."

Willow's eyes widened. "He did?" 

Buffy nodded, and Willow continued. "But he didn't lose his soul...I 
guess Faith doesn't know how to make him happy?"

"Maybe," Buffy said quietly. "Or maybe there was nothing to lose."

"Buffy, I can't believe I'm hearing this!" Willow cried. "This is 
Angel we're talking about. Angel who went to Hell for you, Angel that 
lives for you!"

"Maybe," Buffy whispered again.

"Buffy, you at least need to talk to him. You can't just sit here 
thinking the worst before you know all the facts. Call him up."


"Resolve face. Call him. We'll go to my house and you can do it then."

Before Buffy could protest, Willow had dragged her off.


The phone rang once, twice, as Buffy's Alanis Morissette CD played in 
the background. As Buffy waited for Angel to pick up, she sang along.

"'Cause the joke that you laid in the bed that was me and-"

"Excuse me?"

"Oh!" Buffy shrieked. "Oh my God, I'm sorry, I didn't realize you had 
picked up..."

Willow had a hand clamped over her open jaw.

"Buffy?" Angel asked.

"Heh...yeah, that's me."

"Are you all right?" Angel asked in concern.

Buffy bit her lip. "Physically, yeah. Emotionally..."

"I know," Angel told her softly.

"But you don't," Buffy said. "No one can understand."

"So nothing's wrong, then?" Angel asked, sounding relieved.

"No, not wrong wrong. Not like you-have-to-sleep-with-Faith wrong," 
Buffy said icily, and Willow sucked in her breath. Angel didn't 
respond, and Buffy continued. She let out a breath, and choked on a 
sob. "I'm sorry. That was harsh. I didn't...I didn't...we need to 

"We do," Angel agreed, betraying no emotion in his voice.

Buffy glanced at Willow, who was frantically motioning to the sink. 
"A sink?" she asked quietly.

"What?" Angel asked in confusion.

"N-Nothing. I'm at Willow's...a sink?" she repeated.

Willow was frantically shaking her head, pointing out dishes.

"Uh, would you like to come wash the dishes?" Buffy asked 
in confusion, trying to figure out Willow's message.

"Wash the dishes?"

Willow was waving her hands 'no'. She began trying to mouth something 
as she continued to motion to the sink.

"Would you like...some toffee from the sink?" Buffy looked at Willow 
like she was crazy.

"Buffy? Are you...ok?"

"Uh, what? Oh, yeah, yeah, just fine...a pot!"

"Buffy?" Angel sounded very worried.

"Willow's trying to give me a message," Buffy explained. 
"She's...making a...pot of toffee?"

Willow sighed in exasperation and finally opened the cabinet and 
pulled out a can of coffee. 

"Oh! Coffee!" Buffy cried. "Ok, I've got it figured out. Come over to 
Willow's for coffee and we can talk?"

"Coffee?" he repeated.

"The non-date drink of choice," she said with a teary smile that he 
couldn't see.


"Yeah...the sun's down...please?" she asked in a young-sounding voice.

"All right...Buffy?"


"What were you singing when I picked up the phone?"

"Oh," Buffy said sheepishly. "My Alanis Morissette CD. I've been 
listening to it again."


"I-I bought it when you lost your soul...before...for the 'You Oughta 
Know' song...and I sorta felt the same way can hear the 
song when you come over."

"I love you," Angel whispered so quietly that Buffy wasn't sure if 
she had heard him.

"Yeah," she whispered to the dead line.

"Wash the dishes!" Willow shrieked when Buffy had hung up.

"You were pointing to the sink!"

"The coffee pot in the sink," Willow said in exasperation, washing 
the glass pot and setting up the machine.


There was a knock on the door. 

"Come on in!" Willow yelled from the kitchen, where she was trying to 
pour coffee.

"Um, hi..." Angel said uncertainly.

"Hi, Angel," Willow said, her ever-cheerful self.

"Hey," Buffy whispered. "You want coffee?"

"Um, ok."

"Milk? Sugar?" Buffy asked, still talking in a quiet voice, and not 
about to change.

"Black is fine," Angel told her.


They took their coffee and sat down at the table. Willow motioned 
upstairs and left.

"Well..." Buffy said.

"Well," Angel answered.

"This is...awkward. To say the least."

"That it is."

"We need...Angel...we need to talk. About...w-what happened." Buffy 
felt tears in her eyes and stood up to change tracks on her CD. She 
couldn't let Angel see her cry, she couldn't.

"Is this...the song you were talking about?" Angel tried to ease the 
tension with little avail.

"Yeah," Buffy said.

I want you to know
That I'm happy for you
I wish nothing but the best for you both

An older version of me
Is she perverted like me
Would she go down on you in a theater

Does she speak eloquently
And would she have your baby
I'm sure she'd make a really excellent mother

Cause the love that you gave that we made
Wasn't able to make it enough for you to be open wide, no
And everytime you speak her name 
Does she know that you told me you'd hold me until you die, til you 
But you're still alive

And I'm here to remind you
Of the mess you left when you went away
It's not fair to deny me of the cross I bear that you gave to me
You you you oughta know

You seem very well
Things look peaceful
I'm not quite as well
I thought you should know

Did you forget about me, Mr. Duplicity
I hate to bug you in the middle of dinner
But it was a slap in the face, how quickly I was replaced
And are you thinking of me when you f--- her

Cause the love that you gave that we made 
Wasn't able to make it enough for you to be open wide, no
And everytime you speak her name 
Does she know that you told me you'd hold me until you die, til you 
But you're still alive

And I'm here to remind you
Of the mess you left when you went away
It's not fair to deny me 
Of the cross I bear that you gave to me
You you you oughta know

Cause the joke that you laid in the bed that was me
And I'm not going to fade as soon as you close your eyes
And you know it
And every time I scratch my nails down someone else's back I hope you 
feel it
Well can you feel it

Well I'm here to remind you
Of the mess you left when you went away
It's not fair to deny me
Of the cross I bear that you gave to me
You you you oughta know

Well I'm here to remind you
Of the mess you left when you went away
It's not fair to deny me
Of the cross I bear that you gave to me
You you you oughta know

Buffy glanced at Angel slowly. She couldn't read his emotions in his 

"Well," he said finally. "I...uh...well!"

"It was sort of a comfort song," Buffy explained. "It was kinda nice 
to know that someone else had the same problems...or not exactly the 
same, I'm sure, but..."

"I'm so sorry," Angel whispered hoarsely. "It wasn't supposed to be 
like that."

Buffy shrugged nonchalantly, trying to hide tears in her eyes. "That 
doesn't make it hurt any less, Angel. And it hurts. It hurts so bad."

"What hurts, Buffy? Tell me what hurts."

"You know."

"Tell me anyway. I need  you to tell me."

"My heart. It hurts so bad that I want to die. When I saw you kissing 
Faith, I wanted her to just finish it. I wanted her to finish it, so 
I didn't have to see anymore. I would have welcomed death. I can put 
up a brave front, Angel, but I'm not really that brave. I've never 
been hurt like that before, Angel."

"It wasn't real," Angel insisted.

"That's maybe what hurts most. You were just acting, but, my God, 
Angel, it was so realistic. It was so realistic it scared me. And I'm 
so confused now. I don't know how much I can trust you. If that was 
you, then you really can hurt me as much as he can. Physically and 
emotionally. You can be just like him, Angel, you showed me that. And 
it's scary. It's scary to know that you can still do all that. How 
much of it was acting, Angel? Huh? Tell me how much was acting and 
how much was real. Because if that was all acting, then you deserve 
an Oscar."

"It was just acting, Buffy," Angel insisted. "It's not real."

"But it was you that did it," Buffy told him in a scared voice. "You 
hit Xander, you hurt me. And you could do it again, whenever you 
want. Rage doesn't come from nowhere, Angel, trust me. You can't just 
go around threatening people like that if there's no rage built up. 
Don't lie to me, Angel, don't lie to me. I know you too well. You 
enjoyed it, didn't you? You enjoyed being able to do whatever you 
wanted like that. You enjoyed the freedom it gave, you could speak 
your mind and do what you wanted without having to worry about what 
someone's going to do in return. Because we were all in on the plan, 
we wouldn't kill you. So you could do whatever you wanted. Goddammit, 
Angel, don't lie to me!" she screamed.

Angel had his head buried in his hands. "You're right."

Buffy was visibly shaken and she clutched her coffee cup so hard that 
it almost broke.

"I enjoyed some of it. I enjoyed being able to vent my anger without 
having to worry."

"Is that all you enjoyed, though? How do I know how much of you is 
you and how much is him? How do I know when I call you up that it's 
you? How do I know  that everything you've ever told me isn't a lie? 
I'll tell you. I don't. I have no way of knowing. Everything I 
thought I knew went down the drain the first time you kissed Faith. 
And I can't get it back." Tears trickled down Buffy's cheeks. "And it 
hurts, Angel. It hurts so badly. But more than that, it scares me. It 
scares me so badly that I want to run and hide. Because I don't know 
if you're who I thought you were."

"I enjoyed some of it," Angel repeated. "But not hurting you. That's 
the last thing I ever want to do. Don't you know I love you more than 

Buffy kept most of her emotions buried deep down, only allowing rage 
to surface. "Well you sure have an interesting way of showing it! 
Next time I want to show you how much I love you, I'll screw Spike!"

"Buffy..." Angel choked out.

"But you didn't lose your soul from sleeping with Faith?" Buffy 

" know how the curse works..."

"I know damn well how the curse works, but I'm finding out a lot of 
things are different then I thought. There's no clause on the curse, 
is there? Huh? Answer me! There's no damn clause, and you just didn't 
tell me cause you don't wanna sleep with me. Because I'm not good 
enough for you. Am I right? Hmmm?"


"What? Isn't that it? I'm not good enough for you, plain and simple."

"You know that's not true...that's just what he's not 

"He said? Or you said?" Buffy growled. "Hmmm? Don't you share the 
same thoughts?"

"No. God dammit, Buffy, STOP IT! Did you invite me over here to talk 
or to vent your anger?"

Buffy inhaled sharply, then sighed softly. "To talk. I'm 
just hurts so much. Like I said, I can put on a brave's 
better that way. It's easier to just yell at you than it is to talk 
to you. Because to talk, I have to face everything that hurts me so 
badly. Everything I never want to face again, don't even want to 
think about."

"I'm so sorry, Sweetheart, so sorry..."

Buffy practically inhaled half of her cold coffee before looking back 
at Angel. "So we'll talk."

Angel nodded. "I enjoyed some of it. I enjoyed being able to take out 
my anger like that. I did enjoy the power, the freedom. But to hurt 
you like was the most horrible thing in my life, Buffy."

Buffy looked at him with sad eyes. "You should get an Oscar."

"He was pushing to get out," Angel told her. "Pretending weakened my 
control over him, and I had to fight harder than ever."

Buffy bit her lip. "It hurt so much to see you like that, Angel. It 
hurt to have you saying things about sending you to Hell, even if I 
deserved it."

"No. You didn't."

"But the worst hurt, Angel, wasn't you mocking me. It wasn't you 
threatening to kill me. It was the betrayal I felt knowing you were 
with Faith. Jesus Christ, Angel, you looked like you were trying to 
perform a tonsillectomy on her!" She softened her voice and 
continued. "And it hurt to hear her bragging. But even all that I 
could have dealt with. were...together...with a way that we aren't...together."

"I know, Sweetheart, and I'm sorry. I didn't want to." Angel gently 
put his hand over hers. "It was the hardest thing I've ever had to 
do, to betray you like that. I didn't want it to go that far."

"I know you didn't," Buffy whispered. "Doesn't make it hurt any less. 
It made me wonder...if you really had lost your soul."

"I can only lose my soul through true happiness, Buffy. Faith didn't 
make me happy. No where near. Only you can do that, Buffy."

Buffy gave him a small smile, and giggled slightly at his next words. 
"All I was going to lose with Faith was my lunch."

Angel looked into her eyes briefly and continued. "You did a great 
job acting, too, if it makes you feel any better."

"I wasn't acting," Buffy told him in a hoarse voice.


"I wasn't acting," Buffy repeated. "It was too realistic. It hurt too 
badly. Everything was real, Angel. The fear, the pain, the betrayal, 
it was all real. I wasn't pretending to be afraid of you killing me. 
I really was. And, secretly, I welcomed it."

"Oh my God...Buffy..."

"I actually felt sympathy for Darla. For once, I wanted to be the 
psycho bitch with the gun. And I wanted to shoot out Faith's 

Angel's eyes widened.

"I told Xander," Buffy went on in a careful, slightly teary voice, 
"That you were acting. I repeated it. I wasn't trying to convince 
Xander. He doesn't care what I say, he'll form his own opinions. I 
was trying to convince myself. And it didn't work," she added with a 

Angel was at her side in an instant, his arms gently around her. 
"Shh...don't cry."

"Xander hates you again," Buffy said suddenly. "He was starting to 
sort of like you. You were almost friends. He told me. He confessed 
that he didn't think you were so bad. He told me that he was 
beginning to think of you as a friend. He said that when you punched 
him he was trying to get your help to find me. He was slowly 
accepting you. He had finally seperated you from the demon. Then you 
knocked him out, and the seperation was gone. It was just like before 
for him. You were a demon, soul or without."

"I know," Angel whispered. "And part of me wanted to hit Xander, for 
what he's done before, for how he acts towards you, just for how 
annoying he can be. But a bigger part of me regretted that. We've 
never have had a great friendship, but now it'll be hate again."

Buffy looked at him sadly, and Angel pulled her tighter to him. "I 
love you, you know," he whispered into her hair.

"I love you too."

"I know you can't forgive me,-"

"I forgive you," Buffy whispered. "If you forgive me."

"Forgive you? For what?"

"For doubting you. For letting myself be hurt so easily. For loving 
you too much," Buffy sobbed.

"They don't need forgiveness,"Angel told her, stroking her hair 
gently, his face against her neck as he knelt in front of her.

"They do," Buffy insisted. "But no matter, I forgive you. I'm so 
sorry, Angel, so sorry. And I forgive you."

"Why?" Angel asked.

"Because I know what it's like to betray the one you love, when they 
don't understand. I know what it's like to do the hardest thing 
you'll ever have to do. I sent you to Hell."

"And I'm proud of you for it."

"I'm proud of you," Buffy whispered.

Angel gently wiped the tears from her eyes. "Hey. You wanna try the 
movies again on Friday?"

Buffy smiled. "Sounds like a plan to me. But maybe we should read the 
reviews first this time."

"We really should," Angel agreed. 

The End

Get me another one! Quick!