Adult Web Site Provider Online Attitude Questionnaire

Spring 2000

Your help in this research will be greatly appreciated and will assist in future research.
The following questions relate to various attitudes concerning adult material on the web. Please select the category for each statment that is the most appropriate in terms of your beliefs. This is not an anonymous survey since, even if you ommit to fill in the details of your name , the electronic submission of this form will include your email address.The information will not be passed to any other party.You may leave the personal details in the text area blank if you wish. Thank you for your help.

Definition of terms used

I need to define the terms used in the questionnaire as the WWW is worldwide!!
1.Child pornography refers to a depiction of a minor in either an image or story which is deemed pornographic *see below( a minor is a person under the age of consent in YOUR country).
2.A control group of the web would be a world wide organisation which would review laws of member states and decide which material was suitable for publication on the web(the users could report"unsuitable"sites on hotlines).
3.Censor the net means prohibit access to certain documents & files on the network.
4.A Server refers to where data is stored, whether or not the data is produced by themselves.
5.To view a full discussion on censorship go to Policing the Internet

For the purposes of this study pornography refers to:
1.Pictures, writing, or other material that is sexually explicit and sometimes equates sex with power and violence.
2.The presentation or production of this material.

Alongside the survey i monitor and record whether a site has a warning page, availability of child protection software links,etc.

I do realise that these terms cannot be clearly defined but please answer the questionnaire using the definitions above.

Any disagreement with the definitions or clarification of your position can be placed in the"Any Comments" section,this will be refleccted in the write up of the paper.
Thanks Again.
Patrick Macartney.

Personal Information:

Homepage/club url

Governments should legislate the internet

Stongly AgreeAgreeUncertainDisagreeStrongly Disagree

"Child pornography" should be banned on the Internet

Stongly AgreeAgreeUncertainDisagreeStrongly Disagree

The WWW should have a "controlling group"

Stongly AgreeAgreeUncertainDisagreeStrongly Disagree

Sexual material encourages crimes against women

Stongly AgreeAgreeUncertainDisagreeStrongly Disagree

Sexual images are degrading the women taking part

Stongly AgreeAgreeUncertainDisagreeStrongly Disagree

Parents should censor the use of the net by children

Stongly AgreeAgreeUncertainDisagreeStrongly Disagree

Adult websites/clubs should have a warning page

Stongly AgreeAgreeUncertainDisagreeStrongly Disagree

Web censor software(eg Cybersitter) should be offered on adult websites/clubs

Stongly AgreeAgreeUncertainDisagreeStrongly Disagree

Access to adult sites is the responsibility of the Server

Stongly AgreeAgreeUncertainDisagreeStrongly Disagree

The Server should be monitoring the material they provide

Stongly AgreeAgreeUncertainDisagreeStrongly Disagree

The Server should have the right to delete any material they feel is illegal or offensive

Stongly AgreeAgreeUncertainDisagreeStrongly Disagree

The Server should censor the material they provide

Stongly AgreeAgreeUncertainDisagreeStrongly Disagree

Responsibility for web access is with the owner of the PC

Stongly AgreeAgreeUncertainDisagreeStrongly Disagree

Are you providing your club/community or web page for profit or enjoyment ?

Are you male/female?.What age are you?:

Married/living with Partner/single/or divorced?Are you hetrosexual/homosexual or bisexual?

Are there any other comments you would like to make?

If you are interested in issues of censorship and control of the internet heres a good site. Cyber-rights & Cyber-liberties UK
There is also an online discussion group you can join on the homepage at the "Mailing lists" link.

Thank you
Patrick Macartney

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