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2005 - Pictures and Memories

In January, we all were excited to being another busy new year. We all attended the Girl Scout Cookie kick-off event, and began selling lots and lots of cookies. There were sleepovers (Rowan and Heather, separately), nights out with friends, and the traditional slate of meetings and such.

February was cold and snowy, isn't it always? During February vacation week, Heather and Rowan and the rest of the Girl Scout troop got to go ice skating. The whole family attended a fun Valentine's Day party at a friend's house.

March was not a banner month for a few reasons, but we did have some fun. Rowan and a few girls from her Girl Scout troop attended a disabilities awareness event. March also brought Rowan's first cheerleading competition - after months of practice, which didn't seem to be making a whole lot of progress - the team finally got to perform in front of an audience (with make up even! Rowan's favorite part, second only, perhaps, to going out for lunch afterwards).

In April, there were a few more cheerleading competitions (we were impressed how quickly the team improved between competitions). Rowan got to attend a special karaoke fundraising event at school which she really enjoyed. During April vacation, Rowan got to visit Mystic, CT with Grandma and Jim, which thrilled her to no end (especially the indoor pool- she came home with green hair from the chlorine!).

During May, there was a May Day party with the Girl Scouts, a Coffee House event sponsored by the Youth Group Heather advises (the performers were all different ages, not just the high schoolers - it was pretty interesting, even Rowan enjoyed it and didn't want to leave). We had a Girl Scout sleepover (*yawn*) and went bowling with the troop, too, oh, and a trip to David Farmland. Oh, and cheerleading ended - hip hip hooray!

In June, Rowan performed in her fourth dance recital, another tap dance routine. We were impressed with how much better she's become this year, much more able to remember the routine without prompting. She also made her stage debut in an acting capacity, as a mouse, in the church-wide play. Rowan's class had a few field trips, and then before we knew it 2nd grade was over. We finished up the Girl Scout year with a final ceremony, and a trip to deliver items we'd collected for the Animal Rescue League.

July was full of camps, warm days, and weekends relaxing with the family. And the very exciting news? Rowan attended a week-long resident Girl Scout camp!! We missed her terribly, but she did great - she cried when it was time to go home. :( On July 31st, she left for a two-night resident camp experience, which was quite anticlimactic after the week-long event, but which Rowan also enjoyed (and also cried about having to leave...).

In August, we all had a week off together, which was wonderful as usual. We went back to Six Flags and spent much of our time in its water park (and it was actually warm! go figure!!). Heather and Rowan attended the theatre together (see below for details). We were a bit disappointed we couldn't have our annual camping trip this year, but definitely plan to in 2006. Gary surprised Rowan with a scooter in August (he also bought one for himself, I think hers was his excuse!), and the two of them spent many days happily scootering around the empty-for-summer parking lot of the school across the street. August ended on a sad note with the death of Heather's grandfather, and, of course, the news of Hurricane Katrina (Heather and Gary have always wanted to visit New Orleans).

September was, as usual, full of back-to-everything activities. Rowan was back for third grade at Abby Kelley Foster Charter Public School. Third grade is a big year in Massachusetts, so we hope she'll do well. In third grade, the students can also take lessons on a string instrument in place of regular music class, so Rowan is now studying the violin. Girl Scouts started up again, with Heather still the Brownie leader of Rowan's troop.

October started with a Girl Scout trip to visit one of the local GS camps in the evening with the girls, fun for them to be out in the woods after dark. Gary got to attend a big "Rock and Shock" concert/event with lots of scary bands Heather doesn't want to think about. Rowan dressed up as a butterfly for Halloween.

In November, Rowan turned 8 and had a very small party at Claytime, a local paint your own pottery studio. Her friend-since-birth Jessica took Rowan (and Heather) to New York City to visit the American Girl Place - wow is all we can say. It was a trip to remember! Rowan had already been into American Girls (and received a doll for her birthday), but she's completely hooked now. This month also saw Rowan starting swimming lessons at Girls Inc and Heather chaperoning the church's Youth Group lock-in. We had a quiet Thanksgiving meal at home followed by heading over to Grandma's to play some games Rowan had received for her birthday.

And, finally, it was December. There were parties, and shows, and such galore. Rowan was back to the Foothills Theatre to see a Christmas Carol... the brand new musical version(?!)... with Grandma and Jim. We spent another quiet holiday at home on Christmas, followed by a trip to Grandma's for dinner. We spent New Year's... at home (gee, what a boring holiday season!). Gary was in bed early, but Heather stayed up to see how Dick Clark looked when taken out of the great big NBC freezer or whatever. The next day... well, you'll just have to wait for our 2006 page to find out!

Dance Recital 2005 Pictures

Cheerleading Pictures

Six Flags in August

Rowan curled up with a good book

Gary and I are both very glad to know Rowan is quite fond of reading. When she’s done with homework and can’t figure out what to play, she’ll often find a comfy place to get a-reading. This year she’s really gotten into the American Girl doll books, along with American Girl Library books (those are the non-fiction books – the AG books are the historical fiction ones), and loves magazines. Her teachers are also impressed with her reading interest and ability. Yep, we’re proud parents.

Heather’s winter get-up

Yep, another cold winter here. I just love my pom-pom hat.

Rowan and her sled, upright

Since it snowed so much, we figured we might as well take advantage of it. Grab one sled, find one big hill, and off we go…

And down she went

Sometimes the landings are a bit hard to manage.

Where else can you slide in the snow?

Why, on a slide of course! Actually, Rowan found it pretty disappointing, since the big hump of snow at the end just brought her to an abrupt halt.

Get RID of the snow, darn it!

Alas, no matter how hard you throw it, the snow just won’t go away in the midst of winter in New England.

Rowan's Presentation

Rowan's class had to do a family history project - it was quite the assignment for 2nd grade! It started over the holiday break with interviews of family members to be turned in when they returned in January. Then each child had to write a report and bring something for a presentation that would take 10-15 minutes. Rowan ended up bringing scones (English scones made by the only full-blooded-yank in the family, go figure). Heather was devestated to have to work the day of the presentation, but Gary got to visit the class and take pictures. He said Rowan did a great job. We were proud, but wow... we'd thought the diorama was bad in 1st grade!

Rowan and Gabriel

Sometimes they fight like siblings, but Rowan and Gabriel can also be very tender together. Now that she's matured, he enjoys snugglign with her, and she's willing to pet him at length. Until he tries to walk on something she's working on on the floor.

Dance Class

Every January, parents are invited to observe a dance class at Rowan's studio. It's amazing to see the progression since that first year when Rowan was a wee bit of a thing to now.

Rowan tried ice skating

With the Girl Scout troop, we went ice skating during February vacation. Rowan had some trouble staying upright, but gave it her best. She’s shown here with her friend Jessica, and the traveling mascot from another Girl Scout troop which was visiting us.

Bike riding lessons

Though we haven’t had much success as of yet (August), we’ve been trying to teach Rowan how to ride a two-wheel bike.

Rowan & Heather at Girl Scouts

At an awards ceremony…

Rowan at Davis Farmland

We went to Davis Farmland with the Girl Scout troop. One of the neat things about the Farmland is how you can walk right in to where the animals are (well, many of them). This is Rowan holding a tiny, tiny kid (baby goat variety, not another child) that was under 2 weeks old. The cute little thing climbed onto her lap and lay down… then promptly fell asleep!

Rowan all ready for camp

It’s amazing how little room everything took to get Rowan ready for a whole week off on her own at camp (and amazing how long it took to pack it)! At this point, I think she was really proud of herself, but also quite nervous about going off to camp. Of course, if you read up above, you know she did great. And if you didn’t, stop skipping ahead!


Rowan and Gary being silly at our last meal before Rowan went off to camp.

Rowan at Camp

We sent Rowan to camp with a disposable camera (actually, two... then she went and gave one to another camper who didn't have a camera. Anyhow, most of the pictures were pretty random, but at least we have one that shows her doing something at camp!

Gary and Heather go exploring

While Rowan was off at resident camp, Gary and Heather decided to try something new (mainly to take their minds off missing their baby!). A local park has some great hiking trails that lead up to a hill where you get a great view of the city. We’d never been before, but are likely to go again. Aren’t we cute?

Rowan chasing bubbles

What is it about kids and bubbles? I imagine the first person to invent soap soon found a child at his or her side, wanting to play in the suds. This is outside Grandma’s house in July.

Concert in Institute Park

Well, we missed the Salute to Disney concert in the park, but we did manage to make the next one. Rowan’s highlight was getting to dance with Clifford, the Big Red Dog. Mine was seeing Gary and Rowan snuggling. I have no idea what Gary’s was, though I imagine it was sitting like a lump without being asked to do anything for a bit!

Rowan the poser

I found out that Institute Park is a great place to take pictures, all sorts of nice natural backdrops and such. We’ll have to go back there with the good camera some afternoon!

Heather and Rowan's Day Out

During our week of family vacation in August, Heather planned a Mother/Daughter day for Rowan and herself. They got dressed up in their favorite outfits (love Rowan's formal dress shoes!), Heather even wore pearls and lipstick! They went to see Seussical, the Musical at Foothills Theatre, then out for lunch together at the hospital. Yes, we realize in some areas it sounds funny to go to the hospital to eat, but you'd have to know the Worcester Medical Center. It was nice to have a day together.

Rowan at the beach

Spooky Eyes! She didn't want to open them because it was too bright, so I counted down and told her to open them as I took the picture. It's hard to tell in the small version here, but it looks like she has no pupils in the full sized one - I guess it really WAS bright where she was looking!

Isn't he handsome?

Gary cleans up nice, doesn't he?

Rowan and Gary at the Park

Mini Me?

If it weren't for those white sneakers again, they'd be twins!

Rowan and Grandma on Christmas

Aren't they cute?

I'm so spoiled!

Gary and Rowan totally surprised me with the camera I've been coveting for at least a year. It's a digital SLR, and combines the best of both my regular SLR and my former digital camera (which didn't have a whole heck of a lot of bests going for it). It was more surprising that Gary never gave away what the gift was before Christmas! And Rowan was a little trooper, she never said a word.

Gary by the light of the tree

I love my new camera!

New camera fun

I really, really love my new camera! Everyone looks all warm and wonderful in the Christmas tree lights.

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