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The Magic Kingdom - November 6, 2001

There are a lot of pictures on this page - sorry it'll be a bit slow to load, but I figured that'd be easier than having to click to a new page for each picture in the long run :)

Wow. I (Heather) have been to Disney World before a few times, so basically, I knew what to expect. Rowan, of course, had never been, nor had Gary. And living in England, he doesn't, I imagine, have the big **Disney World Vacation** idea driven into his head as much as those of us raised in the U.S. do. So watching them both have their innaugural visit together was extra special. I grumble, a LOT, about Disney - the company. I can't stand the commercialism, the movies grate on my nerves, the ten minutes of ads for other videos on all their videos really gets to me, etc. But it's hard to remember that when you see your daughter's face light up every step of the way, from chanting "we're going to Disney World!" in the car on the way there, to jumping up and down saying "we were there!!" every time she sees an ad for Disney World on TV months later.

Anyhow... we started out bright and early to be at the park about an hour before it opened. Because it was the off-season, the hours the park was open were quite limited (9am-6pm), and we really wanted to squeeze as much time as possible into it. We'd also heard that sometimes they'll open up a little early if there's enough of a crowd. Well, apparently there wasn't, as we all waited...and waited...and waited for the trams from the ticket pavillion to depart. Rowan was given two Mickey Mouse stickers, which she held onto the whole time. It was quite amazing - we were about the 3rd family there when it started, by the end, the whole area was packed. Yet this was a QUIET day. I can't imagine what that place is like in the middle of school vacation!

Finally, the gates opened, and we all rushed to get on the tram, then rushed to get through security, then ... well, there was much rushing. :) Rowan got a special pin to show it was her birthday, Gary picked up a stroller, we settled everything in, and took off for the rear of the park to hop on the Dumbo ride. Gary and Rowan both had a great time flying up and down in a circle on the flying elephants (while Mommy took pictures). Then we headed to Pooh's ride.

It's an odd little ride where you get to visit Pooh's dream, while riding in a floating honey pot! After that, we hurried over for the opening of 'Toon Town, where the characters hang out. We saw Pooh getting mobbed, and Rowan waved, but since we knew we'd be having lunch with him, we didn't fight that crowd! We headed straight to Mickey Mouse's house... and the line to see the mouse. Rowan was SO excited to meet THE Mickey Mouse, she gave him lots of hugs and kisses.

Our main two morning objectives were met: we'd done Dumbo (notorious for really long lines) and met Mickey, so we slowed down a bit and headed for more attractions. We were all over the place, Gary rode Splash Mountain by himself (the Fast Pass has to be Disney's best invention ever! And if they didn't invent the concept, I want to kiss whoever did), we saw street performers, explored Tom Sawyer's Island (Rowan and Mommy hung out there while Daddy was visiting Splash Mountain), basically, soaked in the Disney Experience.

Then it was time for lunch. We'd arranged seating at the Crystal Palace restaurant, where we'd be able to dine with Pooh and friends. I told them it was for a birthday, and when we got there, we found our table decorated with special birthday Mickey Mouse glitter:

As promised, we got to meet all the characters. When we finished eating, Rowan got a birthday cupcake and a card signed by Pooh, Tigger, Eeyore, Rabbit, and Piglet. Lucky girl!

After lunch, it was time for the 3pm parade (the day was flying right by!). Parades have never really done much for me, but Rowan enjoyed it - especially when she got to dance in it with several children from the audience.

We decided to visit the Haunted Mansion right after the parade while the line was pretty short, visited some other attractions, were on the Carousel for Rowan's annual 4:50pm birthday photo. While getting the copies of Rowan's photo with Mickey, she met a couple more characters:

One of the neat things about taking a 4 year old to Disney World is that when they meet, say, Mickey, they believe it's the "real" Mickey Mouse. It's a great age. :)

Sadly, 6pm came very quickly, and we were heading back to the car. We decided to skip the tram this time and take the ferry back to the parking area. Gary, especially, was glad to have a chance to sit down!

Before we even exited the parking area, Rowan was completely asleep. It was a very good birthday indeed.

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