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Family Pictures and Family Info

These are photos of our family - some when that family was just Gary and Heather, and some after Rowan was born. There are a bunch of photos of Rowan on her pages - these are just the "whole family" shots. :)

Down below the photos is the story of how we got to be a family. One hint: it involved a computer or two. :)

If you've come here looking for information about Weller family geneology (heck, I can't even spell that!), I'm afraid we're not much help, sorry!

Family Photos

* Gary and Heather in England, December, 1995.
* Another of Gary and Heather in England, December, 1995.
* Our (legal) wedding, 20 May 1996.
* Gary and Heather - in a slightly more gothic mood, summer 1996.
* Our first family portrait with Rowan - right after arriving home from the hospital, November 1997.
* At the zoo, in July, 1998.
* A photo taken at the exact moment Rowan turned one year old: November 6, 1998, 4:50pm.
* Heather, Gary, and Rowan on Cape Cod, November, 1998. This was supposed to be our 1998 holiday card photo. We sent them out to get copies, and they were lost in the mail. :(
* Heather and Gary, July 1999. Yes, Heather sometimes wears red!
* Gary and Heather in Maine, August, 1999.
* Family Halloween Portrait, 1999. (Gary dressed as Heather; Heather dressed as Rowan; Rowan dressed as Gary)
* Holiday Greeting, 1999.
* Christmas, 2000 (with Grandpa Harry)
* Our trip to Florida, November 2001.

How Gary and Heather met - the abridged version

Gary has computer. Heather has computer. They talk. They meet. They marry. They procreate. Happily ever after. The end.

How Gary and Heather met - the public version

Our local newspaper did a story on internet relationships in late 1998 that featured us with another local couple. Our 15 minutes of fame were overall underwhelming (and the picture that went with the article was downright scary! It's a picture of our reflection in a computer monitor, so the perspective is all funky), but hey, we enjoyed it while it lasted. Our friend, Heather, got permission from the newspaper to reprint the article on her homepage - you can read it here.

The Wellers' guest book!
Read it! | Write it!

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Visitors since January 5, 2001