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I am in NO way associated with Hanson, Mercury Records, Triune, or anybody else that has to do with Hanson. Though it would be cool, I dont have anything to do with them, besides the fact that I am just another fan. (Who loves them.) Anything that seems to reflect someone you know, you, or anything else like that is 100% COINCIDENCE! I do take things that have happened in my life, or with people I know into heart when I write this stuff, but that does NOT mean it is about them.

I am writer. All that is on this page is purely FICTIONAL unless noted otherwise. I write for my own reasons, those to which I do not have to explain. You can tell me what you think, and I think thats cool. Bad, good, or whatever you want. Opinions are half the reason I started this page. I am not out to make this a high tec HTML page, thought its not like I cant... but I want to share my writtings, Hanson related or not, and I dont need special graphics to do so.

Also, take this as a warning. Some of the situations in these stories are kinda harsh, so if you cant handle it, please dont read it. The language isnt always nice either, but it goes with the story, and the situation. To whoever it may offend, I'm sorry...

AND, its all COPYRIGHTED, so dont even think about it...

© Copyright "The Writings on the Wall...", 1998
