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"Its.time..." "It's time..."


It was as if I was never gone. No one mentioned my absence, and everyone busily went on with the chores of the night.

A fire was made in the fireplace, and as the night went on, someone suggested a board game to pass the time. Both parents had gone to bed, already annoyed that we were up that late. Before leaving the room, Mrs. Hanson made sure she said to Taylor 'don't let me stay here too late.'

Teams always seemed to work, and somehow I got stuck on Isaac's. Taylor felt it would be a good idea, since Zac didn't work as well with him. In other words, he wasnt about to be on his team either...

Monopoly just isn't the same without the normal fights and disagreements.

"You can't do that!" Taylor laughed, as Isaac collected 200 dollars.

"Yea I can, the card says too."

"It says if you pass go! You didn't!"

"I will though!" He said, as Taylor grabbed the money away.

I just sat back amused by the whole scene. Obviously I knew Taylor was a bit competitive, but I guess Isaac was just the same. It became my goal to kill Taylor at this. He never let me win.

Zac made his move, followed by Taylor. When it became my turn, Isaac whispered to me. "Sell the Boardwalk..."

"What?!" I asked, as my eyes widened. "Are you crazy?"

"No, it'll work out. Think of the logic in it."

"Isaac, its Monopoly. There is no logic! You think too much! Just play the game and shut up." I laughed, laying on my stomach and propping my elbows up.

We lost. As usual. We always did. I wasn't too phased, that is after the whole hand slapping tradition Zac and Taylor held. I rolled my eyes. I wasn't that much of a graceful loser.

"I hate this game! I'm going to bed. Night guys..." Isaac said obviously not willing to except defeat. Zac smirked and followed him up.

"Don't stay up too late..." he sang.

Taylor threw all the pieces into the box, and shoved the game under the couch. He joined me as I sat on the couch, stretching my legs out onto the coffee table. I leaned into him more. We sat there for awhile, before stretching one last time.

"I'm tired," I said, kissing him on the cheek, and standing up.

"Where're you going?" He asked, getting up with me and following me to the door.

"Home... I know I'm gonna turn this into some teary good-bye, we might as well get it over with now. You won't be gone forever anyway."

"Why don't you stay here tonight, and save the good-byes for tomorrow... You don't have to leave."

"Taylor, your mom distinctly said 'to not let me get home too late.' Which means, I'm suppose to go home, and you should go to bed." I pressed my finger up against his chest. "You have a big day tomorrow..." I reminded him.

"So?" he shrugged.

"So nothing... besides, I know my parents don't appreciate that stuff..." I sarcastically said, "And I know your parents would be quite annoyed to find us sleeping on the couch together."

"We wouldn't be sleeping." He smirked before I rolled my eyes.

"Just resting. Anyway, I'm not gonna let my parents take my last night away from me, trying to spend time with my girlfriend..." He said, as I excepted the defeat willingly. We walked back over to the couch, and I let him pull me down to lay next to him on the couch. I turned around to face him.

"Jules," He said, as he pulling the blanket off the back of the couch. The heat of the fire wasn't enough anymore. "I know this isn't the best thing to be talking about, but can I just say something? I promise never to bring it up again."

"Shoot..." I smiled.

"Well, you know how I said that Meegan was good for me? And we did," his eyes strained on me, "stuff?" He was strangely serious about that, so I tried to listen carefully.

"Listen Tay, before you even try to explain. It's ok. We weren't together. It's not like I didn't know that you've done it before either... You use to tell me everything, remember? I know all about 'your history.' And your other girlfriends. So whatever you did with Meegan-"

"But we didn't. I swear, I didn't even touch her, kiss her, or anything..." He said, almost proudly with a grin on his face. I was thinking this was supposed to be serious. "I mean, she wanted to, and we had the chance, but I-"

Before he could stop the words, my lips were already on his. "I don't care..." I kissed him again softly, before turning back around. He pulled the blanket over the both of us.

I could feel him burring his face in the back of my neck, and snuggling me closer to him. He traced his fingers up my arms, as I lightly closed my eyes. "God you looked good tonight." He added quietly, finalizing all conversations for the night.

"Tay! You gotta get up; We're leaving in 3 hours... Mom wants you up!" Zac yelled loudly into our faces.

I stirred for a moment. I was really surprised they had let us lay here. "Go away..." Taylor mumbled, and I felt him turn around. His back was now against mine, and he was facing the couch. I turned over and cuddled with him.

"C'mon..." Zac's tone was annoyed.

"I'm not getting up yet..." He grumbled.

"Fine then," Zac said, before walking away.

"Taylor..." I purred into his ears. "You can't stay here all morning, let's get up." I sat up, attempting to pull him up with me. "We're lucky they actually let us stay here." He squinted his eyes open, letting me lift his arms.

"This sucks." He said, as he stood up.

"Are there any other clothes of mine here? I feel like a scrub, I need to change into something cleaner."

"Yea, I think there were a few things. I actually threw them in a bag. It's upstairs." I got up and followed him to his room. Isaac and Zac had already taken a shower, and were just throwing a few things into their backpacks.

"Hey guys..." Isaac said, looking over.

"You wanna take a shower first?" Taylor asked, as I shook my head yes. "Some clothes are in the hall near the bathroom..."

We walked down the hall, and Taylor rummaged through a plastic grocery bag on the floor. He pulled out a small blue tank top. "Here..." He attempted to pass to me before I slapped him with it.

"Are you crazy?! It's like 20 degrees out there, and you want me to wear the tiniest, tightest," I raised a brow, "tank top I've ever seen? I wouldn't even wear that in the summer!"

"Hey, it's your shirt, isn't it?"

"You bought it for me."

He smirked. He knew I was right. "Well, you should wear something nice so I can remember you in it..."

"That's perverted..."

"What?" He asked innocently.

"What?" I mocked. "Wasn't there some sort of blue sweater thing that goes over it?" I asked, as he reluctantly went through the bag again. He handed me the second article of clothing.

"Thank you..." I accepted, before retreating into the bathroom.

After taking a nice shower, I came out, fully refreshed. Taylor rushed into to take a quick shower, but then was back out again.

I helped them load the car, and Mr. Hanson offered to drop me off on the way to the airport. I knew me trying to stall things weren't going to help, so I did the best I could to help out. It mainly came down to watching Zoe.

We pulled up to the driveway. Somehow this seemed all too familiar. "Now Taylor, don't be too long..." Walker said, as Taylor climbed out of the van. Walker never was one for those who messed with his 'time schedule.' Diana was going to meet them at the airport with the younger kids in another van.

"Thanks." I said, as Walker smiled at me through his rear-view mirror. "I'll see you guys soon." I looked over at Zac and Isaac. "You better not forget to write."

I knew whatever went on in this trip would not fail to pass Isaac's video camera. He always felt the need to document every hotel, venue, highway, and sleeping compartment that came about. 'Its obsessive!' as Zac would call it.

I joined Taylor out of the van. Crossing my arms, I walked towards the door as he followed me. "You coming in?" I asked, as he went unanswered and opened the front door for me. I dropped the bag in the hallway, and turned around. "Guess this is it..."

He looked down, standing in front of me. "Yea..." Holding both my hands, he played with the ring on my finger.

"Its no big deal. We have phones and computers..." I reminded him.

"Yup. I promise I'll call you. A lot. And you know the beeper number, and my cell phone. You know you can call me whenever you want." He smiled, pulling me in, and kissing my forehead.

I leaned up and kissed his lips. He moved his hands up my back, stroking my head. "I can't miss you. I don't want to..." He stated, avoiding much for eye contact. "I love you."

"I love you too." I leaned in, allowing him to hold me. The hallway was silent except for the breathing that echoed. At the moment, I was finding it harder and harder to find air.

He backed away, smirking at me.


"Hey, maybe when I get back, we'll take another walk by the lake..." He clicked his tongue, as my cheeks began to change to pink.

I laughed. "Are you ever gonna forget that?"

"Why? I know you haven't..." I swatted at him, as he ducked away. "Face it... You know you want too."

"Oh. Of course," I rolled my eyes and laughed.

A car horn from Walker ended our joke, and brought us back to reality. He held me once more. "I guess I gotta get out of here..."

"I guess..."

He let go of me, holding my arms in front of him. "Bye..." He knew I wasn't good with good-byes. I'd done it before, and he knew I hated it.

"Bye," I smiled, kissing him once more, and allowing him to walk out.

Four Months. Only Four Months.


"To Love You..."


Well, it's just that I have so many, but I don't want to babble, and bore you. Though I thank all of you who 'discovered' my little writings, and told your friends, and those of you who came back to finish it. I appreciate all the emails you've sent me, telling me, "I don't suck," and so forth... Please look forward to the next writings...

Thanks Jilly! You encouraged me through it all... Persistence definitely can be a good quality, *wink, wink* 'As it still makes the world go round.' You are now the "official consultar." :) I DID look forward to your letters after EVERY book was added. Lol...

Thanks to Casey for taking the time to review it. You did an awesome job, and hopefully you won't mind doing others for me.

Thanks to all my friends, who gave me ideas. And to my best friend of the world, "you may not know, but you influence me still the same."

Thanks to Bullet Proof Marshmallows, especially Joy: Gotta hate those boners... But, seriously, thanks for giving me the chance to do it again in the "yet to be titled." (even if I feel its not even worthy, you still encourage me.)

Guess that's it... *smiles* Isn't it kinda sad? "To Love You..." is officially over....
