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What.he.doesn't.know... "What he doesn't know..."


I had been moping around the house all day long, it was so quiet. My parents were out with clients, yet again. It was beginning to become a normal thing for them, they were never home. It was no wonder they had no clue what was going on. They were leaving to go to the country house too, for a full week. They gave me rules to follow, and money, and they were leaving later on tomorrow night. I grabbed a bagel for supper, and went to sit down in the family room. The house was dark, the streetlights had just come on outside. There wasn't much on TV, so I figured I'd go upstairs and go on my computer. The doorbell rang. Confusion set in on who would come visit me, I got excited for a second, thinking it might be Taylor. That ended when I realized he said he wasn't going to be home until late tonight. I opened the door, and my stomach dropped. It was Mike, and he wasn't too happy. He was staring at me, his eyes baring through.

"We need to talk." He stated firmly.

I was immediately scared. I didn't know what to do. Call the police? Yea right, I didn't think Mike would do anything again. "No we aren't. I don't want to be anywhere near you. You can get away from my house." I started to slam the door, but he put his hand there to hold it open. "Go home, you aren't coming in." I said, madly.

"I'm not coming in, but you are coming outside. We're talking. I told you what would happen." He said. I got really scared about what he might do then. I hated just being near him. I didn't want to make him anymore mad, so I grabbed my coat, and put on some sneakers.

"I'm not going anywhere, if you want to talk. We talk here." I stated, not trying to show how scared I actually was.

"Well, then, lets go into the back. I don't want to have anyone see us."

I followed him to the back deck. He stopped. It was dark, but I could see him. I had turned all the back-lights on a few hours earlier.

"What is it? I don't even want to be out here." I said, rubbing my arms. I began to go on, before he interrupted me.

"I told you what would happen if you told, didn't I? I told you, you would be sorry. Nobody is going to believe you. You know it. You cheated on Taylor. You caused it, and you're going to regret it. How you can blame me for this is beyond anything I can comprehend; you wanted it, why did you come out there with me if you didn't? You should have never said anything. It will look worse for you, I didn't cheat on anyone..."

"What? What are you talking about? I didn't TELL anyone! I have NO CLUE what you're getting at." I looked away.

"Don't EVEN lie!" He yelled, his voice cracking. I moved away. "I had a little chat with Isaac. Well, actually, he had a talk with me. He grabbed me, threw me onto a fucking wall, and threatened to kill me. He said if I didn't confess, you would tell someone. SO, don't EVENtell me that you didn't tell anyone! What do you think is going happen? Do you think Taylor is going to believe you? Well, he won't. Nobody will. I'm his best friend, and you slept with me!"

"Listen to me. Mike, you raped me, and you can't get out of it. It hurt me, you can go to hell for all I care."

"No, you listen to me! If this is out, then it's going to be out. I'll tell Taylor you cheated on him. He won't believe you. No one will, maybe Isaac, but that's it. You were so wrong..." He started to walk away.

"I don't care what you do Mike. But, you aren't going to take Taylor away from me. You aren't going to break what we have. You were always jealous, that's why you did this. Well, get over it, and over yourself. It's all done anyways..." He stopped to listen, but then kept on walking to the front. I followed a couple feet behind. He opened his car door, to get in.

"I'm serious, you will be so sorry you ever said anything." He got in the car, and drove off.

I ran into the house. I was so mad, I hated everyone at that point. How could Isaac do this to me, betray me like this? It wasn't supposed to be found out. He told the one person who would actually do something about it. He went and told Mike. I dialed the phone numbers. I prayed Isaac would answer, I didn't want anyone else to hear the anger in my voice.

"Hello?" a familiar voice answered, nonchalantly. Good. I could get it out.

"Isaac! I hate you, how could you do that?" I screamed in the phone. "Nobody was suppose to know, nobody! How could you say anything? I trusted you. And you told, of all people, Mike. I'll never tell you anything again! I can't trust you. You betrayed me. You aren't a friend. I can't believe you could do this..."

"Julie, I'm sorry." Isaac pleaded, already knowing exactly what I was talking about. "I didn't mean to. All I did was go to the store. He was there. I couldn't handle it. What he did to you, he was just joking around, and he said 'Hi' to me. I cant be friends with someone like that. I wanted to kill him, all the anger just exploded. Please don't hate me, please. I'm so sorry." He was trying to calm me down. His voice was soothing.

"But I trusted you. You weren't suppose to tell anyone."

"What did he do? Did he hurt you again? Did he come to your house? He is so dead. I told him to stay away from you." He answered.

"I'm fine. He came over, he wanted to talk. He's gonna tell Taylor. He is going to say I did this, I cheated on him. Taylor is going to believe him, and never talk to me again. I dont know what I'm gonna do without Taylor. I need him. What the hell am I going to do?" I repeated.

"We can tell him. Tell him the truth, before Mike does. It'll all be ok. I promise. You can tell him, you know he loves you. It'll be ok."

"No, I can't tell him. He would hate me. He'll think I am lying, and never talk to me again. Maybe Mike was lying, maybe he isn't going to say anything. I don't want to think about it. Tay and me are going out tomorrow night, I'll see how he acts then. If it's ok, I won't say anything, and we can go on. I think it'll be ok, really." I said, trying more to convince myself than him.

"I don't think that's right. What about you, you said yourself you hate to even have Taylor near you. He's going to know something's wrong. We talked the other night. He's worried... about stuff. That's why he wants to go out and talk."

"So you know what's been bothering him? What's its about? You gotta tell me if you know..." I told him, not really asking, just expecting.

"I can't say. I promised. He said he would talk to you tomorrow night. But I really think you should tell him before hand. It's for the best."

"I cant. Not now, he can't know."

"Well, ok, if that's what you want. I'm really sorry I told Mike. I don't want you to hate me." He apologized again.

"I kinda over reacted. I know you only try to help. I gotta go. I'll talk to you later. Bye." I said.

"Bye." We hung up the phones. It was already getting late, and my parents weren't even home yet. I crawled into bed, and fell asleep.

