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I woke up to a smell of pancakes cooking in the kitchen. I could here Zoe giggling and running around, and a few other voices involved in conversation. Taylor was still leaning on the arm of the couch, while I was leaned on him. His arms were around me again, he must have done it later on in the night. I wondered why no one had gotten us up earlier. The moment I moved, Taylor opened his eyes, seemingly waiting for some sort of movement from me.

"I was beginning to wonder if you were dead. It's already, like 10. . . . You never sleep this late. You're the one always waking us up!" he laughed to himself.

"Yea, well considering we didn't fall asleep till like 3, we should both STILL be sleeping." I smiled at him, looking up.

"I'm starved. I didn't want to move and wake you up, but now that you are awake, you need to move." He said, helping me up with him. We walked in the kitchen to find practically the whole family eating breakfast. Something very out of the ordinary, even for a family so close.

"Well, well. . . . nice to see you two up." Mr. Hanson stated, getting two more plates. "Here, have some food, your mother made more than enough."

"Sure," Taylor said, giving me the other plate. I grabbed a couple pancakes, and watched Taylor grab enough to feed a small village.

"Geez, Taylor. Do you think you aren't going to eat for another ten years... Where does it all go?" I joked, lightly patting his stomach, before pouring some syrup on.

"I'm hungry, and growing still. I need the food." He stated, try to justify the fact. We sat and ate, the room slowly cleared, leaving extra places at the table. Isaac had gone out with Nicole. Mr. and Mrs. Hanson had gone shopping, taking the girls, and Mackenzie. Taylor went upstairs to take a shower. I began cleaning a few dishes that were left in the sink, when I saw Zac lingering by the doorway to the kitchen. He stood there quietly watching me.

"Hey Zac, what's up? Are you going to stand out there and watch me clean dishes, or you want to help dry some?" I asked.

"No, not really," he smirked. "I was, I don't know, thinking. . . ."

"Oh yea, about what?"

"I dunno, stuff I guess."

"Ok. . . . anything you want to talk about?" I asked.

"It's just. . . . Well, Taylor told me about what happened. You know, with Mike and all. I just wanted to say, that, well, you know. . . .I'm sorry. I'm sorry that had to happen to you, and all. I hope you're going to be ok."

"Thanks Zac. I will. . . . have you ever seen me, not ok? I'll be fine, you guys are great. I'm strong. I am gonna get through all of this." I smiled.

"Ok, well then. I'm here. . . . I don't want you to think that you can't talk to anyone. I know you are way closer with Tay and all, but if you cant talk to him, at least know you can talk to me. Its cool." He said, playfully punching my arm.

"Yea, well, thanks." I smiled.

"Ok, now I'm going over to Jay's, I'll see you later. Are you going home tonight?" He asked.

"I don't know. . . . I doubt it, my parents are gone for the week, I think I rather crash on your couch. Unless, you want me to use your bed." I laughed, knowing no such thing would ever happen. "I don't want to have to be home all by myself."

"Well, see you later. Bye. . . " He walked out into the garage to get his bike.

I walked over to the couch, and sat down. I turned on the TV, and started to watch some show. Taylor came down shortly after in clean clothes, and wet hair. He joined me on the couch.

"So, you want me to drive you over to your house so you can get some clean clothes and all? You can grab some other clothes for the next couple of days." He asked.

"Yea, sure, in a little bit."

We sat there watching TV for awhile, when the doorbell rang. Taylor got up to get it, I could see the front door from the couch. The look on Taylor's face scared me, filled with hate and anger. I didn't understand what was wrong as he stood there staring at the person in front of him.

"Get out of here. Leave now. Don't ever come here, I swear to god..." His fists were balled at his sides, as he spat the words out through clenched teeth.

"What?! What're you talking about Taylor?" I heard the all too familiar voice say. My stomach dropped, I was afraid what Taylor might do, Isaac had showed him how he felt already.

"You heard me. Leave." Taylor's face was red. "I know what really happened, you are so lucky I don't kill you now. Get the fuck out of here." He repeated, still through his teeth. I got up off the couch, and walked up behind Taylor at the door. He put his arm up to block me from going further.

"Hey Hanson. I told you what happened. She's a liar, a slut." Each word he said stung as I heard them, I couldn't believe what he was saying, what he was telling him.

"Fuck you Mike! You're a fucking liar, you can cut the shit. You get the hell out of here, I'll kill you! Do you here me, I will kill you! We aren't friends, not after this, get the hell out of here." He repeated.

"Yea, whatever you want. You can believe her, or me. I really don't care, you're nothing, she's nothing."

"Yea, if people only knew what you did... You would have nothing. You're an asshole, you suck, you know that? How can you stand here, and deny this? After all that's happened, and you can still deny it..."

"I don't care what they hell you say. I didn't do it, I don't care about some dick and his girlfriend... If this is the way you want it. After being friends for so long, you pick your girlfriend over me. That's great." He was pissed, as he threw his hands up in aggrevation.

"She's my best friend, not you. I've known her longer, and care about her more."

"That's sweet. Really... I'm touched."

Taylor pulled me over and whispered to me. "Listen, just go sit back over there. I need to talk to him, I don't need you to hear it... ok? I don't want anything to happen..."

"Taylor, no. You don't need to do anything stupid. Please, just shut the door, we can go back and sit down. It's not worth it."

"Julie, just let me. I just need to say a few things..." He said.


He walked back to the door, and shut it. Him and Mike were left standing on the porch. I walked back over. I wanted to make sure nothing happened, even if Taylor didn't want me there. I listened through the open window at what they were saying.

"What do you want, Taylor? What do you want me to say, or do? Admit it? Yea, right. I wont, so you can forget that... Things happened that night, stupid things. Yea, maybe I had a little too much to drink, but oh well. Shit happens. Its too late now. But rape?"

"Whatever. You can't cover it up, not this. It's bad enough already. You are so friggin stupid! Ugh..." Taylor was beyond frustrated.

"Yea, well whatever." Mike said plainly.

"Fuck you! How can you act this way? How could you? You know what you did? You took away something special! From Julie, and from me! Its not just nothing, or another fuck from one of those girls! This was something we were suppose to share, and you took it all away... why? For what? A cheap thrill... from my girlfriend. It was over between you, and you couldn't handle it. You don't love her, you never did. You raped her."

"Sure. Whatever you say... say what you want. I didn't do anything... she wanted it, she wanted me."

"No she didn't. She never did. That's half the reason you broke up."

Mike ignored him, and went on. "And now she conveniently says I raped her. Um, ok. You don't get it. She wanted it, and couldn't get it from you, so she came to someone who would please her. You're nothing Hanson. You can't do anything, and your girlfriend comes to me when she wants it."

"Get the hell out of here. Don't even come here anymore, you are so full of shit, its pathetic! I'll kill you if you ever come near her again. Ever. You wait. Don't try me... I swear to god, don't push it. Leave." He stated, starting to walk back into the house. I tried to hurry up to returm to my position back on the couch.

"I don't care, do what you want. We aren't friends, I don't care. I have better friends."

"Yea, well, lets hope you don't go screwing around with their girlfriends." Mike flipped him off, walking to his car.

Taylor walked back into the house, "OK. Well, you don't have to worry about that anymore. Lets go back to your house, and get some things..." he said, pulling my arm, and helping me up.

"Sure, lets go. . . . Thanks."

"For what?"

"Just being there." I said, walking towards the doorway to get my shoes.

"Yea, well, no problem." He came up behind me, and hugged me. "Though you could have hid a little better behind that window..."

I laughed. "Oh my cover was off. . . . you saw me?"

"Yea." I could tell he was smiling.

"Okay, well I guess next time I'll cover that up a little better." I said, as we walked out to the car, and drove to my house.

To Love You
