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Ugh, great. I pulled a little U-turn, and driving 5 minutes to the little quickie store. After finding a parking spot, I pulled in.

I hated places like this, they were freezing. Walking through the isle, rubbing my arms up and down, I finally found the only milk my mom drank. The 1% with the red and blue cap. Always, just another annoying habit that my mom possessed. I decided to take a look at the magazine rack, flipping through a few of them before I left.

"So. . . you want to tell what brought on this little spurt?" A figure walked up next to me. I glanced to my left.

"Oh, hey Isaac."

"hi. . . do you want to tell me? I mean, cause all I know is Taylor coming home, telling me you broke up with him, and that it was really over this time. Plus, he said he didn't understand, and it was all your decision."

"I know. I'm sorry."

"Don't apologize to me, I don't care about it. Its just I know Taylor's really hurt right now."

"It's just, I don't know. It's not like I decided this last night. I've known for awhile, but I needed to tell him before he left. That's all. I finally worked up enough courage, I guess. Though I feel really stupid now."

"Why'd you want to dump him? You guys seemed really happy. . ."

"Well, we were. It's just, I don't know. Me and him were together because we loved each other, I don't know how in love we are. We don't do anything, and that's all my fault. I cant even kiss him without thinking about other things. . ." I trailed off, I didn't like to talk about it. We were all really good about putting that stuff behind.

"So?" He stated.

"So. . . I don't like to drag him along. Its not that I don't want to kiss him, its just like, I cant. Who knows. . . how long would Taylor wait?"

"You know he'll wait."

"I know, but-"

"So, then what's the problem?" His voice getting an annoyed tone.

"I don't know! It just is a problem. . ."

"Yea, sure. Well, listen, I gotta get going. Hope I see you before we leave, its Friday, you know?"

"Isaac, please don't be mad at me. I know you guys don't really understand me right now, but I think it was the right thing to do."

"You think too much. Its not just you, its Taylor. He really does love you, I know it, you know it, everybody knows it. You're causing more pain than is needed. Think about Taylor in this too. . ."

"I did. That why I did it!" I paused, before thinking about today, which only made me madder. "And you know what? Before you get all annoyed with me, and tell me I'm causing all the pain, why don't you go talk to Taylor. I saw him at the mall today, shopping."

"So what? He took Zac, and they went to the mall to get a few things before we left."

"Zac, huh?"

"uh, yea." He said, nodding his head sarcastically.

"Ok, well, when Zac starts looking like a blond perfectionist, named Meegan, I'll start believing it."

"Meegan?! No way!"

"Yea. That stung... He didn't waste much time getting over me, and he certainly didn't care that he went out with someone who hates me, and who I hate. He always made sure he told me he never liked her, or was attracted to her. What's that about? I wonder how long he's been waiting, and wanting, to do that. . ."

"I swear, I didn't know about that. . ."

"Hmmm, Isaac. Wasn't that convenient? I'm supposed to come over too, tomorrow. Taylor was nice enough to put all my stuff together for me, so I can take it back. How sweet. . ."

"huh." He laughed, "Well, maybe you really hurt him this time. Maybe he just didn't know what else to do, but I promise you, he still loves you. Meegan is probably just an ego thing, to make himself feel better. You, of all people, should know that. He gets like this when he isn't in control. When he can't decide what to do, he does the wrong thing, hoping to get back at someone, or to give himself MORE control. It was either to hurt you, or make himself not think about you."

"Yea, well whatever, it hurt a lot more than you know. Anyway, it was nice seeing you, Nicole said we should do something before you guys leave, like dinner or something, but I don't know if we can do that. What with me and Taylor, and all. . . and I don't know if I can do that. I cant just sit at a table with him. Too uncomfortable... Forget I said anything."

"Well, I'll call you tommorow, cause we should do somethin. Don't let Tay get you down now, we're still friends and all."

"Yea, I know. I'll see you later..." I said, walking off to pay for the milk.

To Love You
