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.::Well, I never thought I would get into it. FanFiction. Now, I'm addicted. Well, either way, I've always written, but I seem to able to express myself a lot through this. I'd like to thanks all of you guys who've been so nice to me when I first started posting. You guys are great. Any comments? ::.

.:I now also have AOL IM, so if you want to talk to me, my SN is: WriterJuls:.

I've been hosting stories, so if you want, just email me about that if you have a story. Of course, no promises, I have to look it over first. All I ask is that you be dedicated.


*My Stories*

To Love You...By: Jul
'How long will it be before he stops letting me drag him along in my misery?'

What Happens Now? By: Jul (continuation of To Love You...)
'When things seem wrong, there has to be explanations... So what happens now?'

"Time Changes Everything..." By: Jul
This story is currently being worked when I have a little free time. Not sure when, AND IF, it'll be posted.



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© Copyright, "The Writings on the Wall...", 1998
*this page was created Sept. 23, 1998*
