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1.     Never laugh at anyone's dream.

2.     In disagreement, fight fairly.
        No name calling.

3.     Don't judge people by their relatives.

4.     Chances make our parents;
        Choices make our friends.

5.     When someone askes U a question U don't want to answer,
        smile & ask, " Why do U want to know ?"

6.     Our job is not to see through one another,
        but to see one another through.

7.     Never quarrel, but argue.

8.     If U don't love yourself, no one will.

9.     Friends are those who won't tend to hurt us.

10.   To share is a friend's pleasure.

Kiasu Class

           A to Z of Kiasu's Philosophy
             A              Always must win 
             B              Borrow but never return 
             C              Cheap is good 
             D              Don't trust anyone 
             E              Everything also must grab! 
             F              Free! Free! Free! 
             G              Grab first talk later! 
             H              Help yourself to everything 
             I              I first, I want, I everything 
             J              Jump queue 
             K              Keep coming back for more 
             L              Look for discounts 
             M              Must not lose face 
             N              Never mind what they think 
             O              Outdo everyone you know! 
             P              Pay only when necessary 
             Q              Quit while you're ahead 
             R              Rushing and Pushing win the race 
             S              Samples are always welcome 
             T              Take but don't give 
             U              Unless it's free, forget it 
             V              Vow to be number one 
             W              Winner takes it all! all! all! 
             X              x'tra = more! 
             Y              Yell if necessary to get what you want 
             Z              Zebras are kiasu because they want to be 
                            black and white at the same time 

               Think smart and act blur .... Kiasu 

             School of Thought 
             Most of you would have heard of the 
             5 'C's ... Car, Condo, Credit 
             Card (Gold), Cash and Career. 
             The latest is 5 'K's ... 
              Kiasu                     (scared of loosing) 
              Kiasee                    (scared of dying) 
              Kiabor                    (scared of wife)
              Kiaboh                    (scared of having nothing) 
              Kiachenghu                (scared of government)