Modified Ruger#3 cal 375Win
As can be seen the this Ruger#3 is much different from the issued version. The wood is from a #1 Ruger. The stock was broken through the pistol grip checkering and was very poorly repaired with a dark gray epoxy. I bought this rifle at a very reasonable price. The broken piece was removed by softening it with hot air from a hair dryer. All the old epoxy was removed with a fine wire brush and re-glued with a thin 5-1 epoxy for a nearly invisible joint. and the checkering repaired. See repaired side below. The split was right through the middle of the checkering
Below is the new leaver and the old one. The end piece was cut off and welded on as shown. The recoil of the rifle with the old leaver would bruise my finger.
The rifle had no scope mount provisions. So I installed a Weaver #57 in the rear and a #45 in front by drilling and tapping. The #57 provided better eye relieve and better positioning for the Burris rings. The scope is a Leupold 1.5-5x.
I tested the rifle with 200gr factory loads which provided incredible accuracy. But had lots of trouble finding a hand load that would come anywhere close. The good load came with a highly compressed load of H322 and a 225gr Moly plated Hornady bullet, with the bullet out as far a I dared. Sot a group of 1-3/4" at 250 yards not quite as good as the factory loads but I never tested the factory load at 250 yards. No need to do so when I had the 225 Hornady doing so well. One other thing is that the 375 Factory ammo is not that easy to find and is very expensive.
Below is the 3 shot factory group at 50 yards 0.197" . So far I have taken two deer with this rifle. Since it is quite light it has noticeable recoil. It has more than enough power to take all our big game in the woods.
My hand load is 39gr H322 with a 225gr Hornady SP using factory Win brass. OAL= 2.923"
Fred The Re-Loader and Wildcatter