E. A. Dingo
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E. A. Dingo

I lack any inspiration-A Haiku
Angela F. Indingaro

A fine indiviual
Before Kevin's 25
I become A FLowney
I cry-Your Chin?!
I scream- 7 irish sons
all Aries, all only
children in their minds
'tis my destiny
kill kill kill
I'd shoot him but they
took my gun away.
Damn you Volvos.

Incontinent L
Sometimes "Y"?
The backrubs get so high
"Up and down-
You stupid Klown!
Can't you think angular?!
My name isn't Angela
I am Angea-
The original island continent"

She fucks with you?!
She can't wear a skirt too
Dating an Irish meaty potato
Poo Poo Poo!
The Platter
Goes pitter-patter
Chattering on
Like that radio song
you can barely hear through your stuffed ears
Stay back!
To the cold
The cold, cold, coldness
of a fucking-with-you-mother

It's not particularly funny
Halls, they lied to me
made my life
even more congested

If Kevin keeps looking so good
I don't think I'll stop
myself- he'll be pot roast

Baste little Kevin, Baste
So full of nature's goodness
Ha Ha Ha
Run for your life kids!

London Broil you fool
Oh how your freckles make me drool
If mush carrots are your thing go nuts

Dingo-A Haiku(an actual one)
Nestled in her bra
curled up in her warm-soft breasts
her bra is undone

-A poem-
Why are my eyes burning?
What is that smell?
Why was I hot, then cold,
then hot again?
I'm confused-Where am I?
-A pat on the head
-It's Weymouth dearie

A poem written on a napkin
"Why does my throat burn?
Is it clove?
Is it love?
Is that why my chin burns?"
"Your chin!?
Your chin?!
That's not the only thing covered in cinnamon!
Do you care-
We're in a club!
And my thingy's burnt to a nub!
Don't pull out your nipple
poem it's too late to be fuckin'

Kevin Pours the Milk- A Haiku

Many memories here
Psycho ex-boyfriend letters
Stirring his tea.

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