E.A. Dingo II
Five, Seven, Five, Angela
Go ahead pour your tea
Where's my spoon?
What are you doing with my sugar
clink clink clink
I don't know why I have you
but I'll kill you any way
one day- they'll give my
gun back- it's the law
completely gravity

The Poetry Starts After We Eat
Chomp chomp
edible inspiration
do these come in pills yet?
can't wait through
Drive thru
for ever!
Quick-now cyber fast
instant-immediate feel
charge card
swallow it down
can't wait forever
never stop
or you'll lose it
better to burn out
with pills
than fade away
with a home cooked meal -Kev

Angela, Pass the Milk- A Haiku
Squeezie-squeezie now!
Suckle, suckle, harder mmm
Give it to me- smile -Kev

Do you have enough Butter?
Alas the cow is tired
Milking is so treacherous
a vacant moo in the farmhouse

So Far No Potato Jokes
The tired Irish
Smiles and sees
The lack of shamrock smack
Smack back havoc
Shileliegh? No- it don't exist
Calm me
I need a kiss -Kev

There- ya done? -Kev

Oriental walking stick FA of the naked man
Crying music
Hot chicken wings
Have I a chance?
Gaelic shileleigh
Fa Fa Mulan
Naked man on TV
Amen -Kev

Oh you did, did you?!- A couplet
Sip the Ale
God will be pissed
What's a shilaliegh?!
Please don't kill me
I'm clinically tested
to be 77% more protein
The Girls look
Cute? Funny? Looking?

Is Your Hair Curly on Purpose?
No it does as it feels
Somedays it's Shemp- curly like shrimp
Like the look?
it's Sean Penn meets Julius Caesar
I punch a reporter
and sew a fish up his ass
Praise Deus -Kev

Beginning of my poetry
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