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Room 204's Kids' Page

LE FastCounter

Know Your World

Welcome to the Kids' page. I made the page to lead you to "cool" sites to check out on the web.
I hate the sites that give you a zillion sites to look at and you end up wasting time on lousy ones.
I'm only going to give about 4-5 a month so keep checking back for changes.

Play the new "Link the Link" Game for some fun in cyberspace.

Mark got the question about the subject in imperative sentnces.
The subject is "you". Like "Go away!" "You" is the subject of that sentence.


Crafts: Have fun on rainy days
A place on the web to help you study
Great games! (Too bad you learn things here.)
Military Aircraft at the Museum of Flight
204's Home Page: Read what Room 204 and the rest of the Middle School has been writing.

Submit any stories, articles, poetry etc. to me by e-mail and I'll post it on your own page!

Play "Link the Link" Game

This site is unbelievable! You can find out almost anything!
Help for Homework-Information Please
