Room 204's Kids' Page
LE FastCounter
Know Your World
Welcome to the Kids' page. I made the page to lead you to "cool" sites to check out on the web.
I hate the sites that give you a zillion sites to look at and you end up wasting time on lousy ones.
I'm only going to give about 4-5 a month so keep checking back for changes.
Play the new "Link the Link" Game for some fun in cyberspace.
- Find cool and interesting links as you play the game.
- Email me when you get through it.
- I'll put your name on the "Hall of Fame" page.
If you answer the question of the week (or 2weeks) I'l post your name on the page.
Name 2 reasons why Sir Francis Drake was a real hero?
Mark got the question about the subject in imperative sentnces.
The subject is "you". Like "Go away!" "You" is the subject of that sentence.
Crafts: Have fun on rainy days
A place on the web to help you study
Great games! (Too bad you learn things here.)
Military Aircraft at the Museum of Flight
204's Home Page: Read what Room 204 and the rest of the Middle School has been writing.
Submit any stories, articles, poetry etc. to me by e-mail and I'll post it on your own page!
Play "Link the Link" Game
This site is unbelievable! You can find out almost anything!
Help for Homework-Information Please