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Teddy Bear Poems


Egbert and Me

At night when I lie fast asleep
My teddy, Egbert, wakes,
And sits upon my counterpane
Until the morning breaks.
He likes to see I get my rest,
For everybody's sakes,
So if the pirates smash the door
To steal away my toys
He fights them off with dirk and sword
But very little noise.

And if the one-eyed bogey-man
Comes breaking down the wall
He scares him off by looking fierce
But makes no sound at all.
And if the wailing ghost flies down
The chimney like a bird
He blows him back with mighty breaths
That simply can't be heard.

When, after slumbering, peacefully
I open up my eyes,
I see the sun come shining in
And find to my surprise
That Egbert's lost another ear
Upon some enterprise.
But when I ask him what he's done
He just looks smug and wise...


A Boy's Verse:To My Teddy

When I was only four days old
You came to live with me
And gave me all the love you hold
Quite unreservedly.

Oh Teddy Bear I still love thee
As much as I did then,
Though now we both are forty-three
And very nearly men.


First Love

My teddy, Grumpkin, all the time,
For her I wrestle down the moon,
Fetch winter grapes, a dress of lace,
And eat up every wrinkled prune.

She sets the rules and I concur,
I count the ocean's drop's for her,
Fight fearsome trolls, do forward rolls
And, if she lets me, comb her fur.

When I detect her vaguest mood
I sail the seas in vessels crude
To fetch her treats, exotic sweets
And potions rich with dreams imbued.

I strain to serve her slightest whim,
And travel to hell's hottest rim
To brave the fire without a lyre
And pluck the Devil's nose from him.

And if you ask me, Why do so?
It's difficult for me to know.

Paula Ness

My Teddy Bear

(Written to commmerate the 75th Birthbay of the Teddy Bear)

He sits upon his pillowed throne
A joyous smile upon his face.
And though his ears may seem outgrown
He carries them with pride and grace.

He's never cross or quick to carp
A friend in need is he to me.
When human tongues are mean and sharp
My Teddy gives me sympathy.

To him I always bare my soul
He lifts me when I'm feeling low.
And when I brag and miss my goal
He never says, 'I told you so.'

My friends many titter gleefully
And some may tease, but I don't care.
I hope that I will never be
Too old to love my Teddy Bear.

Jeffrey S. Foreman
The New York Times

The Teddy Bear Dance

When the moon hangs over the rolling downs
That ripple between the seven towns,
When the night is fresh and the air is clear
When the owls hide their eyes and the fireflies appear.
Then Teddy Bear time is here.
There are Teddy Bears dancing here.

Down sheets and trees and ivy plants
To come to the site of the Teddy Bear dance
Out from the windows on seven towns
They creep on their way to the rolling downs
For Teddy Bear time is here.
There are Teddy Bears dancing here.

Out from the beds of their daytime chums
Silently drawn by the beat of the drums,
Out from the houses and out through the gates
Down the dark lanes where they join with their mates.
For Teddy Bear time is here.
There are Teddy Bears dancing here.

Then onto the downs and around they prance
Joining their hands in a frenzy of dance,
Coming together to qudrille in teams
Shedding their stuffing and straining their seams

Quicker and quicker the music's beat
Faster and faster the speed of their feet,
Til ttheir eyes shake out and their ears come away
And their fur starts to fly and their paws start to fray,
For Teddy Bear time is here. There are Teddy Bears dancing here... But when the dawn peeks out over the hill The drumming stops dead and they all fall quite still: Knowing it's late and they must get home soon But caught by the spell of the last of the moon, For Teddy Bear time was here. There were Teddy Bears dancing here. Then laughing and giggling they glue back each bit They have lost in the night with Teddy Bear spit. And murmuring and whispering "cheers" to their mates They rush to their homes and run through the gates. And scampering up ivy, up sheets and up trees, And leap through the windows to squeeze, if you please, Under the covers right down to the ends Of the innocent beds of their innocent friends. As if to the world, such a sweet little sight, They'd been lying there faithful the whole of the night.
But Teddy Bear time was there. There were Teddy Bears dancing there. Anon.

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