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Today we learn of great contributions of women to our enduring culture. Throughout the generations they have played major roles. As in White Buffalo Calf Woman of the Lakota stories, copper woman of the northwest coastal regions, the Huichol woman who first received the vision of the peyote medicine.

In my Dine' teachings we are told of White Shell Woman of the east, Turquoise Woman south, Abalone Woman west and Jet Woman north, each representing a stage of female life.

So it is we have honored our woman teachers, warriors and healers.

Grandmother Moon - Earth Woman, sustain and guide us. Young women, renew and restore your relationships, for as the wisdom comes to us from the Cheyenne people, "No matter how brave it's warriors nor how strong it's weapons, a nation is not conquered until the hearts of it's women are on the ground ."

You are our stronghold, the enduring headwaters of the generations. .

Arlie Upfront

In most cases, the women were actually in charge of gathering materials and then building the homes for everyone. They maintained their homes’ roof, and created new houses for tribes to live in. This is an astonishing achievement, particularly for the women of their time. The men knew that women were the source of life, and provided a feeling of strength and consistency to their lives. The women in Native American tribes often helped their men to hunt down buffalo. Then, when the buffalo were harvested, the women were responsible for skinning, cutting, and cooking the animal. They also gathered firewood, cooked, and repaired clothing and shoes.

But Native American women were not simply homemakers. In fact, they served a great deal of important purposes and were essential to the tribe in other ways as well. Women made tools and weapons out of animal bone, which were absolutely necessary for everyone’s’ survival. Not only was there medicine men in the tribes but there were medicine women as well. In fact, many Native American tribes believed that the women had more healing power and were able to soothe ill souls with their chants and connection to the spirit world. Medicine women gathered herbs to create healing medicines for those who fell sick within the tribe. Additionally, most Native American women were master craftsman who made beautiful blankets, baskets, and pottery. Jewelry was another favorite. There was a feeling of mutual respect between the men and women of the tribes. They cared for their children and husbands, just like the modern woman does today. Without their help, it would have been very difficult for the Native Americans to survive.

Cherokee girls learned by example how to be warriors and healers. They learned to weave baskets, tell stories, trade, and dance. They became mothers and wives, and learned their heritage. The Cherokee learned to adapt, and the women were the core of the Cherokee.

"Mother, show me how to love,
Beyond my human fear:
Teach me all the joys of life
Beyond the veil of tears.

Let me find the pleasure of
A lover's gentle hands:
Let me know the wisdom of
Respect without demands.

Oh, Keeper of Forgiveness,
Teach me how to see
Beyond the petty judgments,
Supporting human dignity.

I will learn your Medicine
Of Mother, lover, friend,
Teaching others how to love
And broken hearts to mend.

Mother, teach me how to heal
The feelings inside of me:
Teach me how to respect all life
With burgeoning humility.

Show me the path away from abuse,
Where everything sings of life,
Where heartache is just a memory
Of ancient, human strife.

Let my spirit be healed
Until dying holds no fear,
Where rebirth is welcomed,
Bringing me joyous tears.

These are the things that I desire,
For I want to truly know,
The pathways and healing passage
Through the dark night of the soul.

Thank you, Mother, for teaching me
To lift my heart in praise,
Filling my spirit with gladness
For the blessings of the Beauty Way.

You have taught me how to sing,
How to rejoice, dance and drum,
And how to sing my gratitude
For the abundance that will come.

You have shown me the magic of
A change in the mind and heart,
An attitude made of wisdom
That celebration of life imparts.

I sing the truth of thankfulness
When I greet Grandfather Sun,
Then send my love to Mother Earth
For the life force that makes us one."

Girl - a ge gu tsa

Young Lady - a-ta

Woman - l ge, l ge ga

Mother - e tsi

Grandmother - e li si

Elder Woman - 1-ga-yv-li-ga

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Writings by Arlie Upfront and Jamie Sams respecfively

Song - Golden Feather - Robbie Roberson
Detha Watson, Artist
Luvdalot Graphics & Design