The 411 Of Jewel

Full Name: Jewel Kilcher Dad: Atz Kilcher

Mom: Nedra Siblings: 2 Brothers

Age:26 Birthplace: Homer, Alaska

Jewel's Story

Jewel was born and raised in Homer, Alaska. When she was little she had no t.v and bathing was a weekly thing. Her parents were a folk duo who produced 2 albums together. When Jewel was 6 she and her brothers joined her parents and would sing at dinner shows in local hotels.

Then when Jewel was 8 her parents divorced and she decided to live with her dad. For the next couple of years Jewel sang with her father at local bars. Then Jewel moved to Hawaii for about a year and lived with different relatives. When she returned to Alaska she decided to move with her mom in Anchorage, Alaska.

Jewel attended a Michigan school called Interlochen. It was there where she learned to play the guitar. When she completed school she moved to San Diego with her mom.

Jewel worked various low paying jobs to survive. She had to live out of her car. Jewel says "And I would let bosses flirt with me, because they would take me out to dinner". After being fired from many jobs, Jewel decided music was her true calling. She borrowed some money, upgraded her living space to a van, and started singing in coffee houses. At one coffee house, the Innerchange Coffeehouse, she drew a big crowd and within five months she had a contract with Atlantic Records. She was 19 then.

When her album was first released, it did horrible. So the record company sent Jewel on tour with various bands. Jewel feels 100% of her sales are from touring.