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All You Need To Know


Name: Marcus

Birthdate: December 16, 1981

Astrogical sign: Sagitarrius

Location: Central Coast NSW, australia

School: Currently Studying Mechanical Engineering at The University of Tech, Sydney.

Height: about 6 ft i think

Eye color: Blue

Hair color: Brown


Food: what ever is i have at the time, i'm not a fussy eater

Drink: Orange Juice

Book: Whenever you read a good book, it's like the author is right there, in the room talking to you, which is why I don't like to read good books

Movie: Happy Gilmore

Board Game: twister

Song: NoFx - August 8th, Green Day - when i come around

CD: i have too many that i like

Singer: Billie Joe

Musical instrument: tapping sticks

Cologne/perfume: whatever i have

Shirt: my blue one

Pair of Jeans: i don't like jeans

Word/phrase: "Even a stopped clock is right twice a day"

Day: Saturday

Thing to do on a weekend: Surf

Thing to do on a school night: Sleep

Thing about the opposite sex: They are much better looking

Trait of a person: ability to light a fire

Holiday: christmas


TV show: Weakest Link

TV character: Judge Judy

Fast food restaurant: Subway

Word/phrase: don't know ..

Day: monday

Month: June, beacause it is the start of the coldest season

Holiday: Queens Birthday

Trait of a person: i hate it when people talk through their ass

Thing about the opposite sex: Does anyone really care what i write here?



>Broken the law: probably

Ran away from home: no

Lied: it's not a lie if you believe it

Broken a bone: no

Cheated on a test: probably

Played Strip poker: no

Skinny dipped: not on purpose

Had a medical emergency: no

Gotten beat up: no, i've been in one or two fights when i was younger but i don't think i was ever beat up. Define beat up.



Love at first sight: no

Luck: no

God: Yes, well i think there is something bigger than life

>Aliens: no

>Horoscopes: no

>Ghosts: no

Heaven: i think it's up there

Hell: If there is a heaven then the must be a hell

Yourself: always

Magic: no



Coke or Pepsi: coke

Oranges or apples: oranges

One pillow or two: two

Deaf or blind: no thanks

Pool or tubs: pools

Blondes or brunettes: i don't care

Tall or short: don't care



Took a shower: today

Watched Bambi: never

Cried: a long time ago

Got a real letter: as opposed to a pretend one?

Talked on the phone: about an hour ago

Exercised: went for a surf 2 days ago ... since then i've been buming around

Read a book: some time in the early 90's i think

Punched someone: i punch everyone, instead of saying hello give em a good hard wack ... you'll be suprised at the reaction



What do you notice first: features that stand out

Must have characteristic: personality

Curly hair or straight: straight

Long hair or short: whatever

What kind of things do you find romantic: Drag Racing


WHAT IS........

Your most prized possesion: my memories

Good luck charm: i don't have one yet

Biggest pet peeve: people i don't like

Biggest accomplishment: when i first came into the world via birth

Proudest moment: first breat without that f*&ken umbilical cord

Your biggest fear: being a paraplegic

Your family like: all messed up

Greatest talent: i am the greatest

Song that describes you best: What A Man - Salt and Pepper

Most humilitating moment: I don't have one

Favorite thing for breakfast: Weet-Bix

Favorite thing for lunch: toasted sandwiches

Favorite thing for supper: spaghetti

Worst thing that has happened to you today: woke up and it was raining

On your mouse pad: nothing



Bill Clinton: A Virile Man

Hanson: they'd make good transvestites

Alternative music: Rad

Rap: i can take it in small ammounts

Country: It's the shit

>Oldies: Tops

Any other type of music: i enjoy listening to it



Makes you laugh the most: politicians

Are your most favorite people in the world: council workers, they do wonders for our society

Stupidest person you know: my sister

Do you ask for advice: not really

Who do you hate: i hate people who think that i care what they think

Has it easier guys or girls: i cant answer that question as i have no basis for comparison


How many people are on your buddy list: 2

How often do you get online: once a day most the time

What is the best part of growing up: getting older

Being young: no responsiblitly

Being male or female: getting payed more than females for doing the same job

Best lyrics: You cant move in to my house (frenzal rhomb)

Best love song: Creeping Death (metallica)

Best dance song: wiggle wiggle

Best vacation spot: north coast

Do you like your drink with or without ice: doesn't matter



Are your plans for marriage: none as yet

Are you plans for life: live as best i can