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Last Updated: 10/21/98

This page is dedicated to the hard core scene.

x News x

s X e

x Veganism x

x NoNazi x

x Distro x

x Links x

x Stuff x

Welcome to the x Bound x By x Nothin x web page. This is not a sXe page nor page devoted to the vegan movement. This page is about the hard core scene in all aspects.Our goal is to cover everything in the scene. I would love your input and ideas. Sisterhood and brotherhood, this scene is about unity. Keep it alive.

What has been on my mind lately? Well to tell you the truth, a lot. What has been bothering me is this sensation of hate. What ever happened to brotherhood and sisterhood? What ever happened to the unity? Did it just pick up and leave? I think some people took this crew thing a little to far. I am starting to believe cops now when they say when they speek of hardcore as a gang. It really seems as if people think they are in a gang. I believe in sticking up for others, but what does a fight solve anyways? I was always the one to try and avoid fights. When fights are brought into some place as pure as a hardcore show, then that is going to give people the wrong idea, and I think that's what happened. I guess I am a pacifist. Is that gonna make me wrong? Am i wrong for not wanting to fight someone? Ok what if I am affraid to get hurt or hurt someone? The only thing that stops me from a fight is the fact that fights aren't what they used to be anymore and they shouldn't interfere with the unity that hardcore is supposed to have. Nowadays, people are fighting with guns or knives or even others. It is like it isn't one on one anymore. That's where this gang thing is shown. I feel that i you got into a fight with someone it should be between you and that person, but it isn't like that at all. If you fight someone from a crew, then you fight that hole crew. But what if that person was in the wrong? The crew isn't gonna care. They will just simply kick ass and take names. So what is there to do about this problem? Nothing , but stand for what you believe in. Lets try and bring back the purity that hardcore once was. Kill the hate...!

SEND ME ANYTHING! I want pictures, sounds, letters, editorials, etc. I want this page to have input from everyone. Send everything toMark Menace/AndreaSo send me anything. Also, this page will be on paper soon. So keep you eye open for it.


The Book, write in it.

The Book, read its pages


10/22/98: Man, I keep coming up with updates. I just put up a link to the stuff you can buy through our distro. Just click on this, x Stuff x. Keep checking up on that, we will be getting new stuff in all the time!

10/21/98: All the links are on the x Links x so go check it out! A lot of new links set up in there as well. Also, I updated the x News x with a review on some cd's I just got and the new Sworn Vengence demo, "My friend Hate."

10/17/98: There is now a x Distro x link. It has information on the distro service that x Bound x By x Nothin is now doing.

10/7/98: I have updated my updating. Instead of putting my new updates ont bottom, I put them on top now. So bare with me. Check out the reviews at the News link. Also i added my e-mail address for bands who wish to get their demos or cd's or whatever distributed there also. Check it out!

9/10/98: Thenewssection is updated with show reviews and music reviews. I added an article on why I became sXe to the sXepage. Also, a new hardcore page was added to the links. Sarah's HC page. It has a lot of cool links and reviews. Go and check it out.

9/11/98:Wave files have been added to thesXeandNoNazipages. It may take a while to load, but it is worth it.

9/17/98:I have done some new stuff on the Vegan page. It has some products by Proctor&Gamble.