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Mike Kennedy

Bass Guitar, Vocals



Original Brass Attack Member



Mike has an associates degree in computer electronics.


Mike is employed by Atwood Corporation where he supervises the alarm division and is a troubleshooter for burglar, fire, communications, and surveillance systems.

Other Accomplishments:

Born in Enfield, CT into a musical family, Mike has music inbred into his soul. All his life growing up he has had exposure to various musical instruments and styles.  As a child he listened to classical music with his  grandfather who was a first chair violinist for the Hartford Symphony Orchestra. As a teen he would fight with his brother over who got to play the  old guitar they had hanging around.  His brother rehearsed a rock band at  their house and Mike remembers sitting in on the drums occasionally.
  Mike graduated high school in 1980 and moved back to the Springfield, MA area. At that time he began taking guitar lessons at a local music shop.
   In 1990, a friend knew Mike was storing an old "Fender" fretless bass for his brother and asked him if he would help form an "originals" band, "Eclipse", and play it for them. Having never played bass, it was a struggle, but he had found his niche and  learned quickly.
Since then, Mike has performed with local bands including the "Dalton Gang", and has performed cantatas with pick-up orchestras until becoming a charter member of the fabulous Brass Attack in 1995. Here, Mike says, being involved with such a high caliber of musicianship and plain old good chemistry, is where he really focused on becoming a professional performer. Despite his busy schedule. Mike  also does stage productions with Dave for local and national bands that visit the area.