Brian's Paintings
Affordable Paintings
For Everyone
You can view a sample of my charcoal drawings by clicking the appropriate button below.
- Charcoal on paper, 17in.x14in. Moose.
- Charcoal on paper, 17in.x14in. Ducks.
- Charcoal on paper, 9in.x12in. Woodpecker.
- Charcoal on paper, 12in.x9in. Newfi Puffin.
- Charcoal on paper, 12inx9in. Bear.
- Charcoal on paper,17in.x14in. Figure.
- Charcoal on paper,9in.x12in. Jay.
- Charcoal on paper,9in.x12in. Wolf.
- Charcoal on paper,9in.x12in. Patridage.
- Charcoal on paper,9in.x12in. Snowy Perch.
- Charcoal on paper,9in.x12in. Snowy Perch 2.
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If you have any question please email me.
You may also contact me by the following methods:
Brian Dicks,
Box 483,
Burgeo, Nfld.
A0M 1A0
Tele:(709)886 2158
ICQ no 6759279
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Brian Dicks,
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